Honestly speaking, increasing the traffic of your blog can be daunting, whether you want to make money from it or you are writing a blog to share your passion with the entire world. Competition is fierce with millions of blogs on the Internet, and there is the need to have the purpose of creating the blog achieved. Without users visiting your blog regularly, the blog will be operating in isolation as nobody will know that it is in existence.
Blog isn’t just a custom research paper you can write and forget about. It’s like an organism that need attention and care of the web-master and readers.
Nevertheless, there are diverse ways to drive and increase the traffic of your blog both online and offlin. This article will identify 10 different ways to increase the traffic of your blog online and offline.
Table of Contents
Online Ways to Increase the Traffic of Your Blog
Surrender Your Blog to Search Engines
As a matter of fact, submitting your blog to search engines including Google, MSN and Yahoo is the first action you must take when you create a new blog. Without submitting your blog to search engines, it will not be recognized. All you need to do in this case is to submit the URL of your blog to them just to notify them of your newly created blog for them to include your pages in their results after search engine must have crawl the blog.
However, submitting your blog to search engines does not signify that your pages will appear on number 1 of Google search results but the implication is that your blog will be included and have the opportunity of being picked up, whenever the search engine crawl it.
Put In Excellence Content Continually
One of the notable ways to increase the traffic of your blog is to frequently update it with relevant, quality and useful content. This is to invite visitors to the blog and make them willing to visit your blog always as they are sure that whenever they get to your site, they will get whatever information they need. To keep your visitors loyal and keep visiting your site, feed them with meaningful information.
At the same time, post content to your blog as frequently as you can, for your blog content to be noticed by search engines.
Exploit the Power of Comments
It is essential to exploit the power of comments if you want to increase the traffic of your blog. This is because; commenting is such a simple and vital tool for increasing the traffic of your blog. To implement this successfully, respond to comments left on your blog first to tell your visitors that you appreciate their options.
On the other hand, visit other bloggers sites and leave your own comments to drive new traffic. When you do this, ensure that you leave the URL to your own blog in your comment so that you will create a backlink to your blog.
Get the Content of Your Blog Syndicated with RSS Feed
All you will do in this case is to set up an RSS feed on your blog to make it unproblematic for your faithful readers to know when you publish a new content as well as read your blog.
Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be described as a technique of advertising your blog or website on the internet in order for it to receive the attention of more visitors. Add links and relevant keywords to your content when optimizing it for search engine but do not overcrowd your posts with a lot of relevant or even completely irrelevant keywords to avoid spamming.
Add Images to Your Blog
Always remember to add images to your blog as a way to increase the traffic of your blog. Apart from the fact that images will make people locate you in search engine listings, it will also beautify your site. You can use images search alternatives from Yahoo, Google and some other search engines. Identifying your images with search engine optimization in mind will increase the traffic to your blog tremendously.
Surrender Your Blog Posts to Social Bookmarking Sites
It is equally important for you to submit your blog best posts to social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon and Reddit among others to increase the traffic of your blog.
Offline Ways to Increase the Traffic of Your Blog
Basically, that are not all things you have to do online. There are also some things you can do offsite concerning your online business. Hence, there are ways to increase traffic to your blog offsite.
Use of Business Cards
Business cards are small cards that you can use to introduce yourself and your business for the purpose of promoting your business. Its content includes your name, your organization name or website, address and phone number. It is a great tool to increase the traffic of your blog.
Networking is a system of connecting people professionally or socially to exchange information. When you meet people, inform them about your blog and convince them on why they must visit it. This will go a long way in increasing the traffic to that blog.
Host and Attend Events
One on one meeting through seminars and other meetings is remarkably useful for bloggers who are looking to increase the traffic of their blogs. All the people you come across onsite are far more likely to lead to discussions concerning your blog.
Hosting people as well can lead to assisting one another that may yield tweets, guest posts, blog roll inclusion, shares, links and general development of your business.
And how do you get traffic to your blog?
Hi Sonia, thanks for your post.
I like all of your points, but IMHO submitting blog (or website) to search engines isn’t necessary these days. We need only to get some valuable links to inform Google about our site. Of course we can do if we have time for it 🙂
Thanks. I’ll remember it))
I love the idea of hosting an event – really got me thinking Sonia!
Hey Sonia, I got the search engine and SEO part completely covered. Now my biggest focus is to get more interaction with my readers through comments… Let’s see how it goes! Thank you for an inspiring post.
Hi Sonia, Great ideas. I’m surprised at how much search engine traffic I get from image searches. I add a secondary title and descriptions that help search engines find me.
Hi Sonia,
These ten ways that you have highlighted are really brilliant. Infact, these tips are truly helpful foe all the bloggers. I like the second point that you have highlighted of putting excellent and unique content continuously. This would definitely be very effective as readers like to read fresh contents always. Even networking, as you have suggested above also plays a crucial role in attracting traffic to your blog. You need to have a good network with your readers. Thanks for the share!!
Thanks for your positive commenting. I’m glad you liked the post
these 10 ways are are really brilliant. Infact, these tips are truly helpful foe all the bloggers…….!
One of the best ways, and I am very glad you mentioned it, is commenting on other blogs. Such a simple yet effective way to get web relations up and get those extra people clicking on your website. With WordPress and other systems seo and other parts are normally taken care of now – So the best you can do is write content and make friends.
I am currently making business cards for the offline world, my next foray!
Simon Duck
One of the best strategies I have made for my blog is giving big value even the smallest amount of readers and visitors you have. Keep it touch always and don’t forget to keep a good relationship towards them.
Hi Sonia,
Very well written article…. congratulation for this.
I like your offline tricks to get traffic. Having offline meetings and seminar definitely add value to your reputation and you will get lots of traffic as well.
I’ll try to do some offline promotion of my blog to get some more traffic.
Hi Sonia,
This is certainly 10 comprehensive ways of increasing traffic towards your blog. In fact, I can’t even think of anything else as you’ve likely covered everything there is. This is brilliant. Hopefully, many people will be inspired and be able to take advantage of what you’ve written here.
Thanks for your positive comments. I hope that these advices will help you in your blogging life. If you know other ways to increase the traffic, please, share with us!
The key to increase the number of traffic of a blog is to provide unique and quality content for your readers and learn the right promotion tactics.
Thank you for this advice! I learned some new things from you and also reaffirmed that we are headed in the right direction with our blog. We are doing some things right, but we have a long way to go as well! http://centennialinc.com/blog/
thanks for sharing SEO Related Top 10 Ways. Amazing Post…. 🙂
The idea of business card is great, but suitable only for offline. Your top ten tips are great, but you haven’t mentioned anything article marketing. ( I mean web 2.0 sites ) then can surely bring hundreds of visitors if optimized properly.
Amazing post…
You have differentiated with online and offline ways.its a different post..
Blog comments is a easiest way to build a traffic..And other ways are also good..thanks for sharing.
Great article but how does one submit their blog to Stumble Upon?
What a wonderful post about how to generate more traffic to your blog! I am definitely trying to get away from Google traffic on my blog and focusing on other ways to create traffic. I’ve been killed by Google too many times in the past to know not to rely on it anymore and focus on these wonderful ideas above.
Thanks for sharing!
You are always welcome
Hi Sonia, your post is undoubtedly marvelous. I like the ten ways on how to increase the traffic of blog especially the number three which is the power of comments. You are right it is really helpful to one blog through that many people have chance to share their own point of view, it might be a suggestions, praises, or supplying other information about the blog. It is also one way of the marketing strategies of various businessmen. I love to follow to your post. 🙂
Hi Sonia, your post is undoubtedly marvelous. I like the ten ways on how to increase the traffic of blog especially the number three which is the power of comments. You are right it is really helpful to one blog through that many people have chance to share their own point of view, it might be a suggestions, praises, or supplying other information about the blog. It is also one way of the marketing strategies of various businessmen. I love to follow to your post.
Thanks a lot, and keep reading useful posts on this blog
I believe tht it is pretty Important to hve a bussiness card 4 bloggers..Thanx 4 sharing!Great tips friend!
Thank you for commenting
Hi, Chris)
Thanks for your advice. I’ll keep it in mind.
Adding attractive images to blog post is really must have. Google wants photos, videos etc along with text. Also it helps gain traffic from social network as pictures increases CTR in social media.
Your writing technique makes your articles so easy to understand even for a layman. This is indeed resourceful and informative and i am glad i read this article, thanks for sharing such great knowledge.
I’ve read your post several times and now I find myself using it as a checklist. I agree that fresh content and frequent comments raise the interest level of your blog. Those are two simple tasks that take a lot of time and planning to implement. Thanks for the ideas.
Awesome tips. In the offline ways, I consider bumper sticker to be very effective. Bumper Stickers that has the site name,logo and a catchy design will spread your site to all nooks and crannies where you can not go with your Business card.
Thanks for sharing some of the best white hat ways for gaining traffic really a must to follow
Your online and offline points mentioned are very well written. I just found your blog for the first time. Thanks!
An excellent way of increasing blog traffic – but in each way – guys must do the extra work because everyone is trying the same methods
Still struggling to get blog comments despite doing all of what your online points, but hey, can’t give it up! Haven’t really thought about doing the offline blog promotion, but that is indeed a good idea.
What a lovely article and good to see Sonia on this blog!For me, forum and commenting on other blogs will increase a blog’s traffic. Though these are hard but worth the stress in the long run.
The headline of your post will make people to decide if to read your article or not and images speaks volume too.
Thanks for sharing