After publishing a post „Social Network Sites – Which One is The Best for Traffic?” I got a lot of questions in comments and via emails about Triberr.
People don’t know how to use this great tool (is it really only a tool or maybe it’s a social network?).
I fully understand them because in the past I also had a lot of problems to understand how Triberr works
I will not publish whole guide about Triberr – it’s impossible in one post.
In this post I’ll try to reveal four most important facts and tips about Triberr.
1) What Triberr Is
2) Most Important Triberr’s Settings
3) How to Join New Tribe
4) How to Approve Tribemates Posts
Table of Contents
First of all – what Triberr is?
Triberr is a tool (from Dino Dogan and Dan Cristo) which allows you to boost your social network efforts, especially in Twitter.
You can join here a lot of Tribes – after it you can see on your wall (it’s called tribal stream) posts from your Tribemates. Topics of posts are automatically downloaded from blogs via their RSS.
And of course all tribemates of your tribe will see all your posts too…
If your post will be interesting, it will be tweeted for you by your tribemates. It is also expected from you to share all posts from your tribe…
EXAMPLE Let’s suppose that you are in one Tribe with 20 tribemates. All of your tribemates have altogether about 100 000 followers on Twitter. Your post is very interesting so it was shared by all of your tribemates. So you got 20 tweets only from your tribemates. But it can be retweeted by their followers…Of course not every post will be shared by everyone. On the other hand – you can join a lot of tribes…
Most important Triberr’s settings
There are 3 important settings before you can share your post(s) with others
- Blog settings (you should set here address of your blog’s RSS)
- Twitter settings (you will tweet your tribemates’ posts via this account)
- Content settings (you can set here frequency with which you will share tribemates’ posts on Twitter)
How to Join New Tribe
To get most from Triberr you have to be a member of some tribes. How you can join new tribes?
If you want to join specific tribe, you can make it in three ways:
1) You can join one tribe at the registration process (you can join only public’s tribes). At this moment my tribe “Blogger’s Tribe” is open to new members so you can choose it during registration
2) You can ask the ruler of the tribe (if you know who is it) for invitation
3) You can leave three comments on the tribe’s posts
This is the most common way to be invited to the tribe, so I’ll describe it in some more details below.
- Login into Triberr
- From Menu select “Tribes” and “Browse all Tribes”
- Select the category or categories you are interested in
- Click “Start connecting” button
- Browse Tribes according to chosen categorie(s)
- After finding proper tribe you can try to join it. You must leave at least three comments on the tribe’s posts (in this case you will be automatically recommend as a member of the tribe). Of course tribe rulers don’t accept all requests– it’s normal and you should be aware that you must be very patient, especially at the beginning… After accepting you by a tribe ruler you will get an email titled “A Call to Arms from /Ruler of the Tribe/”. In this email you can find a link to a page, where you can “Join The Tribe”. And that’s all, you are a member of a new tribe
How to Approve Tribemates Posts
Now you are a member of some tribes. There is only one more thing you should do daily or weekly (I do it 3-5 times a week) – share posts of your tribemates. It’s not very complicated
If you are logged into Triberr you must go to your Tribal stream – so choose “Home” from menu.
There will be a list of posts you can share. If you want to share specific post with your Twitter followers, you should click on the orange button “Approve”.
After approving you will see something like that:
All approved posts will be tweeted for you automatically…
There is also one more tip – remember to share posts from your tribemates
Other things about Triberr you can find on the internet. Fortunately there are some interesting and very helpful posts on this topic on in section tutorials.
And that’s all. Do you have any question about Triberr? And what is your experience with this tool? Or maybe you want to join my tribe? Please share all of your doubts, questions or experiences in comments below.
Hi Chris,
What can I say? You have beat me to it. This is by far the most comprehensive guide to Triberr I have read.
If you are reading this and are not yet in Triberr, you can be sure of a soft-landing if you follow this step by step guide.
What can I say? Good job!
Hi Yeremi, thanks for your support!
I agree with Yeremi Chris, great job on this explanation and I think you know how much I love Triberr. It’s helped make Twitter my #1 source for referral traffic. It’s so much more powerful than most people realize so I do hope they’ll take advantage of what you’ve shared and join if they haven’t already. You’ll be missing out on a great platform.
Thanks Adrienne for your comment.
Hi Chris
I’ve looked at Triberr a couple of times before and didn’t have a clue what I was doing. This has been a really useful insight into what it’s all about.
What I do find difficult on there is searching for Tribes. I’ve tried plowing through them but there are so many that I just don’t think would be the right fit for me or them. I’ve done a bit of commenting on a couple of tribes but haven’t been successful as yet. So, I just left Triberr to one side.
Maybe I will take another look.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Tim, thanks for stopping by. I agree with you that most difficult thing about Triberr is to find (and be invited) to a proper tribe. But it’s really worth the effort
Triberr seems great network to drive traffic from social media especially from Twitter. I’ve heard about triberr from this post and let me check and join.
Thanking you.
Hi Naveen, you definitely must try it
This is a very great explanation of what Triberr is. I knew about this but was not a member, perhaps I am missing out on something. Along with Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, this seems like a must for anyone who wants traffic. Thank you for producing this brilliant post. It has me convinced.
Hi Shalu, you are right – Triberr is great for traffic. There is only one trick – you must find proper tribe(s) (according to your niche).
Hey Chris,
Excellent post on Triberr!
Triberr was recommended to me by a good social media friend and I think it’s one of the reasons I am really enjoying social media – believe it or not, Triberr actually helped me “get” social media!
Great overview!
Hi Christine – I believe you
Triberr is great to “get” social media.
Excellent post, Chris.
I found Triberr confusing to start with but it’s almost tripled my traffic. I’d urge anyone still feeling confused about the platform to give it a try. Once you get used to it you’ll be able to get a lot of benefit without needing a huge time investment.
The added bonus is getting to know some fascinating people through my tribes.
Hi Caimin, I agree with you – great people in tribes is another benefit (bonus
) of Triberr
Thanks for your comment
Thanks Chris for sharing this amazing tool. I haven’t read your previous post but i am very glad to found this one.
I didn’t know about Triberr before reading your post but now it seems to me a cool tool. Definitely going to give it a try. Hope to see you there.
Hi Kris, you definitely must try it. And thanks for stopping by.
Hi Chris! Having read this post, I’ve now finally signed up to Triberr myself. I’ll be interested to see how this works compared to my other social media efforts.
See you over there
Hi Matt, great to see you there!
Im in – thanks for the write up!
I think we have a few members now – lets get some more!
Hi John, great that you are in. Process of building this tribe has started
Thanks Chris
I don’t know how to use triberr but by reading this article I think triberr is the best tool to socialize a Blog
Hi Tarun,
at this moment it’s the best social tool which I use.
Thanks for this information Chris. I can’t explain that how beneficial is this to me as I myself am a new blogger.
Hi Nilesh, you should join to Triberr and try it.
Aaahhhhh Thanks Chris for convincing me for signup to Triberr.
Really useful article bro….I was not aware about Triberr and its importance specially for bloggers.
I am going to signup bro.
Hi Sandeep,
please let me know after joining a Triberr – I’ll send yoy an invitation.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the detailed tutorial! I was lost and this gave me a better view about Triberr! I am looking forward to find lots of interesting bloggers.
Hi Annetta,
you are welcome. And thanks for joining my tribe!
Hello Chirs,
Thanks for the great explained post about how to get familiar with Triberr. I was using triberr for a while now but I always get confused in finding tribes and it annoys me very much. But I think everything comes with price tag so if I want to see the magic of triberr then I’ve to strike my head to find some perfect tribes because I think that’s the key of using triberr at its full potential.
BTW, thanks for such well explained guide.
Hi Romy,
thanks for your comment. Finding (and getting an invitation) right tribe is the most important and the most difficult. But if you “are in”, you will “feel the difference”
It’s nice to know you’re also an active member of Triberr Romy. Am also going to sign up today.
Chris i never heard Triberr before but after reading your post i join instantly, hopefully it help me to get some traffic.
Hi Linda,
thanks for stopping by. It will help you but you must follow some steps described above
Hey Chris,
Shit man! Why I never tried Triberr
BTW, I must thank you for sharing your insights on how to get familiar with Triberr. I’ll have to try it out.
Hi Ehsan, you must try it
I tried Triberr a while back – didn’t get much out of it…
It changed. I think you must try it again
Hi Christ I had never even heard of triberr. It looks amazing. I am definatly going to give it a go. This sounds an excellent way to get your posts much more exposure.
So for that thanks lee
Hi Lee,
if you want to be “social master” – you must try it
Thanks for your comment!
Just joined your tribe, Chris! I hope it’ll grow fast in upcoming days
No, you don’t need Triberr. I have been on twitter for six months now, and I already go two followers.
There it is…what I’ve been searching for over the past few weeks: a quick, comprehensive guided tour of the high points of Triberr!
Thank you, thank you! It makes sense now. Very well done.
ahh, okay, so you don’t ‘write’ posts on triberr, you basically have your feed/blog set up and go from there. am i right? i ask because i’ve been trying to figure out where the heck do i go to post a new ‘post’. lol
this is awesome, i have been a member of tiberr for over a month now but haven’t figured out how it works, am glad i stumbled upon this post today as it has given me a clear meaning and how to use Tiberr. Cant wait to explore Tiberr.
I love Triberr, but do have a hard time keeping up with all the changes, Lisa. This is exactly what I needed: short and to the point!
awesome post !!
You have good command on tips ,thanks for information!!
I used triberr for a few days but was not sure of its proper using. At the same time was confused. So i tried to find the way of proper use of it. And have found the way at last. thank you very much for the post and help.
Thank you, thank you! I joined Triberr a few days ago, and was so confused. The lingo, invites, bonfires, all left me for a loop. However, now that I read this, I am confident that I can log back in and do the darn thing. Thank you for this very helpful and easy to understand tut.
HI Chris,
I joined Triberr months before but till now am not active, after reading your post now I will came to know how much traffic I lost.
Thanks for the share I joined your tribe on triberr.
This post answered my questions about triberr. I will go back and try again. I will bookmark this post so I can refer back to it. I bookmark a lot of your post. I think i’m becoming a regular.
Thanks for sharing such an informative piece on Triberr, i have been trying to wrap my head around it and i must say you made so many things clear now….Triberr is a nice place for bloggers to be.
Hey Chris,
I’m a fairly new blogger and have been doing research on Trberr. Your post has by far been the most beneficial to me. Heading over to join now!
Thanks for sharing.
Triberr is a great place to form a community,meet new people and promote your site in exciting ways..I’ve found to Triberr to be a great help for my blog promotion activities..The community is lively..One can easily build a good tribe or be part of one without much delay..Highly recommended.
I joined Triberr just few days back. Didn’t know how to use it properly. Now this article has helped me a lot. Thanks.
I was actually thinking about signing up with Triberr yesterday. But I had a difficult time understanding how it worked. I think after reading your post, I understand it a little.
I guess the next best thing is just to jump in and do it. I will definitely be signing up this week and using this post as a guide of what to do.
Am joining it soon and also going to buy one premiere plan.Thnkss..
Magnificent post on Triberr!
Triberr was prescribed to me by a decent social networking companion and I think its one of the reasons I am truly appreciating online networking – trust it or not, Triberr really helped me “get” online networking!
Awesome review!
Hi Erik,
Yet I am not using the Triberr, but after reading this ultimate guide of Triberr, would like to join this. Seriously thanks for sharing this
Hi Chris,
Triberr seems great network to drive traffic from social media especially from Twitter. I’ve heard about triberr from this post thanks for introducing this network..
Well I didn’t used triberr yet, I have heard lot of review about it but didn’t got time to signup. Seems like I’m gonna try it ow.
Triberr seems great network to drive traffic from social media especially from Twitter. I’ve heard about triberr from this post and let me check and join.
Thanks for the detailed tutorial! I was lost and this gave me a better view about Triberr! I am looking forward to find lots of interesting bloggers.
This is a very great explanation of what Triberr is. I knew about this but was not a member, perhaps I am missing out on something. Along with Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, this seems like a must for anyone who wants traffic. Thank you for producing this brilliant post. It has me convinced.
Hi Erik,
I am here via your post: Social Network Sites – Which One is The Best for Traffic?
and i found this very informative and a wonderful basic guide to any to join Triberr
I will surely use this as a guide to join in.
Though this is an old post i am very late here to know about this wonderful platform.
Good that I found it today
Keep sharing such informative pieces;
Thank you once again for your help in this regard
Have a wonderful and profitable weekend
~ Phil
hi thanks for sharing this article, i wanted to use social media for the promotion of my blog and i think i will use it.
This tool looks very promising and i was not aware of this however i had heard name of it, will surely give it a chance and let you know my experience.
Hi Chris,
Triberr seems great network to drive traffic from social media. I’ve heard about triberr before but from this post it clear my doubts Thanks for sharing