Blogging is getting popular nowadays as it is a famous hobby and income generating source for the people.
Building a blog for business needs thousands of daily visitors and some genuine ways should be handled to drive lot of traffic to a blog.
If you have just started your blogging career, then the next thought in your mind might be “how to make your blog popular”?
Or if you have started your blog since few months and still wondering with stumpy number of visitors, this post would help you to make your blog popular.
Let’s discuss some imperative strategies with which you can get a prevalent blog certainly.
Table of Contents
Effective tips to make your blog popular
1. Personalize your blog design
Personalizing the blog design by having a unique theme with personal touches enhances you to stand out from other bloggers.
How to personalize the blog design?
Select perfect (premium) theme and add suitable logo to it.
Have a custom default Gravatar & style author comments, use your footer space effectively and ensure your sidebars with comprehensive archive by adding your popular blog posts and your well performed guest posts.
Incorporate your social media profiles in the top place of your blog and engage your readers with it.
2. Publish worth reading blog posts
Publishing worth reading blog posts is the basic promotion which could make your blog popular effortlessly.
How to publish worth reading blog posts?
If you focus only on your fascinating stuffs and not providing the solutions for your targeted visitors, then it is quite difficult to shout about your blog.
Instead, keep publishing the killer blog posts by providing superior solutions for your readers which would make them to come back regularly.
Speaking generic stuffs with your own voice would help you to get good reputation and to retain your brand name.
3. Build social proof
Building social proof helps the new visitors to confirm that you are in the right path of giving keys to your audience.
How to build social proof?
You can make use of popular social networks and get enough social signals from the viewers by sharing your pillar articles.
Using social plugins (limited no) would invoke your readers to share your amazing blog posts on their network.
Including case studies and testimonials would help a bit in building the social proof and encourage your visitors to leave their valuable thoughts through comments.
4. Create valuable Relations
Creating valuable relations would definitely support you to make your blog popular.
How to create valuable relations?
Mentioning other bloggers and providing links to exceptional blog posts aids to create good relationships.
Next effective method is to perform guest blogging with your excellent posts. If the blog owners drive quality traffic through your guest post, then it builds your strong relationship with them.
Sending newsletters to the subscribers, offering bonus and giveaways for the readers and hosting the contests for bloggers are the genuine ways to create valuable relations.
5. Optimize blog posts for search engines
Focussing the readers and writing for them is good but the basic optimization is needed to please the search engines.
How to optimize the blog posts for search engines?
Do keyword research and select eye catching blog title with popular keyword. Add Meta tag description, optimize it with long tail keyword and avoid using special characters in it.
Make use of relevant keywords in the main content and bold it.
Optimize the blog post images with alt tag and add suitable name to it. The basic optimization is enough for search engines to get good SERP and avoid keyword stuffing.
Blogging have great importance in today’s online world. Making the blog popular is the dream of every blogger.
So it is imperative for the bloggers to formulate a splendid blogging schedule and stick to it.
Just try to reach the reader’s heart with your exceptional posts added with humour and personal experiences. Also follow the imperative ways which I discussed above.
Speak with me now!
How do you make a blog popular?
Just tell the ways which you are handling to stand out from the crowd!
Image courtesy of Idea go at
About Nirmala Santhakumar
Nice article here. Blog designs really matter, you were right. Readers always visit nice and pleasant blogs.I suggest using maximum of three colors for a blog design . I hope this one helps. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your thoughts related to blog design.
Good blog design really attract the visitors and would make them to visit the your blog frequently.
Keep reading here 🙂
The long tail keyword suggestion is awesome …one strategy that others can follow is to post guest articles on other blogs …just as what Nirmala has Done .:D
Thanks for sharing these tips.
Hi Pramod,
Using long tail keywords in the blog post help to get good SERP.
Yeah, guest blogging have lot of benefits and am suggesting all the bloggers to do it.
Thanks for being the first commenter of my guest post.
Show your regular presence here 🙂
Hi ma’am,
These are really some handy tips that would be useful to make blog popular. The blog design plays an important role in that. The more unique and appealing it is; higher would be the amount of love it will receive from everyone. Also, I personally feel that it takes real hard efforts to make it popular than what is being thought by newbies. Your article puts light on those points and I really love that.
Hi pawan,
Very nice to see you here and glad you liked it.
Yes, blog design plays a vital role to thrive in blogging as it has the power to pull the large no.of readers.
Agree with your point, but a little correction! Do smart work instead of hard work, sure you’ll shine in the blogosphere 🙂
Good article. Blog design along with the optimized code with good hosting service will be added advantage to the blog to gain popularity.
Thanks for reading my guest post Madhavi priya 🙂
Your comment is adding value to my post.
Am really surprised that most of the bloggers are preferring to have a good blog design to make a blog popular.
Hope am having a nice blog design which was suggested by Atish, a passionate blogger, thanks to him 🙂
Excellent tips Nirmala. I think by personalising your blog makes a huge difference as far as popularity is concerned. Also I think having a photo of yourself and talking some personal things appeals to people and they can often associate with your blog on a personal basis making it popular.
Am happy with your presence Shalu 🙂
Agree with your views and hope it would help the readers to have a personal touch in their blog.
Thanks for coming here, stay tuned!
I have got to memorize all of these things. Thanks a lot for sharing this post because this taught me many things. Now, I know how to make all my blogs popular and traffic driven 🙂
Glad to hear that you’ve learned some useful stuffs through my guest post 🙂
Keep reading Narda!
Well, what can I say? Your post is easy to understand and full of important facts. I will keep on reading because I felt that I will find out more…..
Hi Nirmala,
That’s the complete post. You’ve touched every aspect of making a blog popular and I liked you mentioning ‘how’ part for each of those aspects.
Thanks for appreciating me Suresh and am happy with your visit too 🙂
I like to present the blog post with the Q & A format, so done here!
Glad with your support, keep doing it 🙂
I;m doing all the things which you have mentioned in this post. I think I am doing mistake in writing post. Have you any suggestion for this.
It is really good that you already following my mentioned ways to make your blog popular 🙂
Writing suggestion?
First target your audience, write for them!
Understand their problems and needs, give solutions through your post.
Read the blog posts related to your niche, you’ll write better than others.
Need more writing tips? catch me on social networks.
Recearch and know what your niche is! Make it bigger, better and more helpful than your competition! This is an important part to make your blog popular in the web world, Next step is to do Social Networking on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace etc.
Accept your blog popular views Martin, even I too specified the same in my style.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, keep doing it forever 🙂
Nice tips listed here.
Social proof is now more important for making your blog than it was 2-3 years ago. Social media presence is the factor you can’t afford to ignore.
Thanks for sharing Nirmala 🙂
Yeah, you are right Tarun 🙂
Improving social presence would definitely make a blog popluar.
Thanks for leaving a good comment, continue the same for me!
Helpful tips! Thanks for sharing and great work!
Thanks for commenting here, keep reading 🙂
What more could be added than to say a good work.
This is one of the loveliest post I’ve read since the beginning of the week.
Oh! Glad with your appreciation Emmanuel 🙂
Its really nice to hear that you liked my post, stay tuned!
i like to comment about optimizing blogs in search engines. i am quite confused on the rules of Google in terms of SEO. the last time i followed an SEO technique in Google (there must be a keyword in first and last 100 words of the article).. my ranking on that keyword went down from page 4 to page 13
now i’m confused on what rules should i follow. it seems Google keeps changing it. perhaps in the future they will only require one keyword per post
do you have any idea nirmala?
Yes, as you told, Google keeps changing the rules.
It is good to have the Keyword in the first and last paragraph of a blog post, but I don’t know why your SERP got down, I guess it was due to some other reason.
Did you checked the keyword density for that post? Did you use any long tail keyword in it?
Hope your competitors might optimized better than you for that particular keyword.
Thanks for asking a good question Marilyn, keep reading the SEO stuffs for better understanding.
and when i changed my article and removed the keyword on my last 100 words of my article, it returned to page 4. just checked it today… Oh Lord Thank you..
Really? its fine 🙂
To me traffic is what makes a blog popular and most of what you suggested in this article will bring more traffic and this will in turn make a blog popular. This is a nicely thought article. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, more traffic would make a blog popular, but to have more traffic, you need to make your blog popular 😉
Agree with me Nwosu?
So, I listed some basic and best strategies to make a blog popular.
They said content is the king. Well, I received much traffic cause of that. It works really great and faster.
Yeah, even though you are getting organic traffic with the king, you need to get referral traffic from the queen (Social proof) to escape from Goolge Panda update.
Thanks for coming Michael 🙂
Writing a killer article with an attractive title makes the post itself popular. The rest, Social media does it all.
Thanks for the article Nirmala.
Thanks for sharing your point of views Giriraj 🙂
keep showing your presence here!
HI Nirmala,
This is an interesting post for newbies who are desperate to know all this kind of stuff. I really like the way you are doing great work to build relations over internet by doing guest posting. 🙂
I didn’t agree with your 5th point in which you have mentioned that we need to optimize our blog for search engines. I don’t agree with this statement just because of a fact that as we write our content according to search engine, we couldn’t deliver good stuff for our audience.
At times title, description also get keyword stuffed. Which is bad for us. New bloggers especially do this. If we can write best content for our audience it will be tremendous for our website.
What you say about it.?
great information available here. really @Nirmala you are right blog desiging and social newtork most important part of blogging and i am also new in blogging so your article is valuable and useful for me 🙂
Awesome tips on how to make your blog popular. As for adding the most popular posts in the sidebar, do you use a plugin to do that?
I will be implementing some of these tips to help my blog out.
Thanks for these great tips. Especially social media i think is getting more and more important. People do not bookmark things anymore, they just add sites to social media sites instead.
Popularity is one the greatest difficulty many blogger face in the blogging community because of lack of blogging understanding, when one have the target of blogging for money, definitely all these point will have the least priority in bloggers agenda but if you see blogging as a fun, all these point will properly manage and the aim of making money blogging will be accomplished in no time.
One thing that i would like to add in this list is – Proper keyword research, if you want to grow your blog forever. since other source will dry very soon but if you have some killer article with proper keyword research i am 100% sure that will bless you more than anything else. Direct ads publishers even like this type of traffic.
Hey Nirmala great tips need to optimize the blog in right manner so its credit the readers as well as the blogger and social engagement much needed which helps to spread the word easily between nice post
Hi NIrmala, these tips are great and useful too. Thanks for sharing with us……… I’ll definitely work out with this tips………
Its really happy to hear that you’re gonna execute my tips to make your blog a grand popular.
Thanks for your visit, keep doing it 🙂
Points no.2 and 4 are what I consider to be really important. Nothing works well if the content is bad. And good content builds credibility. And the importance of social relations in blogging can never be ignored!
I agree with your points here. Having high quality content and building relationships are good starting points for driving quality traffic. Leaving valuable comments on other blogs in your niche will help as well.
Great blog post! Thanks for the useful tips!
Thanks for reading my post, stay tuned here 🙂
I have just started my blogging career and I thank you for providing such useful tips.I will surely use them for my blog.
My hearty wishes for you to reach a good level in blogging.
Glad you find my post useful to make your blog popular.
Keep reading the useful information here 🙂
I think your second tip is one most people actually struggle with. I know most create content they think is great, but often they are the only ones who think like that.
Yeah, publishing worthy information is the basic promotion of a blog to make it popular. Bloggers would struggle in creating the quality posts in the initial period, but if they got practiced, it is possible to publish the good content post painlessly.
Thanks for your comment Apollo 🙂
Hmm! this are great points you’ve got here. i totally agreed with you about the optimization and worthy article points. They are of great importance if you want your blog to be very popular.
Glad you agree my points to make the blog popular.
keep visiting here to read more stuffs 🙂
Many thanks for your kind words and appreciation Erik sir 🙂
That is my favorite point too. There is no blogging success with a community around it. The blogger could create valuable relations with it.
Thanks for this article. This should be the best article for newbie who really strive to bring in traffic for their blog. Every one wants to make their blog popular so that they can get traffic and then earn from it.
These methods which you have mentioned will really useful to establish our blog into the online world in more effective way to get visibility.
Thank You.
nirmala mam great article….i am creating relation on visitors and help me gain more visitors…..:D
Hey Nirmala,
I have been reading your articles on and its really cool. I came to know about this article when I read your 50th post and glad I did it. It is really informative for a newbie like me.
Keep up the good work.
Social media marketing and blog commenting are great ways to make your blog popular. Also, they are good methods to build reader engagement.
great article this is, Design is Key part of the Site which make reader curius to read Article on the site. all points in this article are important, thanks for sharing some addition info about this topic here. i will apply them to my blog. thanks for sharing 🙂
HI Nirmala: I just want to add something on your article. To make valuable blog an individual must choose a topic where he is good at.
I agree all the main point above. Thanks.
Nice Article here.Blog desings about nice work.I congratulate you.This combination can help you with my article I suggest you look
awesome article this is, Design is Key piece of the Site which make peruser curius to peruse Article on the site. all focuses in this article are essential, a debt of gratitude is in order regarding imparting some expansion data about this theme here. i will apply them to my online journal. a debt of gratitude is in order regarding imparting 🙂
Hi Mam,
Thanks for this article. This is the best article for newbie who really want to bring traffic for their blog. Every one wish to make their blog popular so that they can get traffic and then earn from it. The tips you mentioned here are really great, thanks again.
Thank you Ashwin for reading the post and your kind appreciation as well.
Yeah bro, to make popular blog is the dream for everyone. There are huge newbies are trying to make their blog popular. I hope this post will help them to make their blog popular.
good piece of work for blogers there are so many points i didnot know about i am new to bloging your post will help me to remember what to do for bloging thanks for sharing
Thank you Maliha for getting time to read my guest post.
Glad I could help you in learning the new blogging stuff. Stay tuned!
Hi Nirnala,
One of the key points of this article is layout or design of any websites, where Google factors like page load time etc are compatible, and also social profile is effect on the website, if our profile is quite good in social media websites, users came easily in any blog. Thanks for sharing and really enjoyed to reading this post.
I agree with your viewpoints Lynn!
Yes, blog loading speed should be low and it is one of the ranking factors considered by Google and other search engines.
Thanks for reading my post.
Hi Nirmala,
Nice Article for Start Up Bloggers. Newbie bloggers just thinking that, creating a blog will generate money. This article will clear them, what a blogger want to do after creating a blog. A blog is a mixture of unique content, proper keywords, good design, simple advertisements, without 404 error etc… Before starting to do anything we must learn something. Without knowing anything, we can’t get anything.
It’s a good thing connecting with other bloggers in one’s niche and linking to some of the best content published out there.
It connects one with other bloggers and also give readers a chance to find more useful resources they would have not come across had it not been for the outbound links in the blog posts they read.
And of course, sometimes these great connections lead to bloggers promoting each other’s content – leading to more things (readers, subscribers and the number of people helped to solve a problem).
Great content. Some of us are already reaping the benefits of the above listed. But while you grow, it is pertinent you seek other current ways to popularize your blog. Ads especially Native ads is the new way even big sites go viral. Also, engaging with your visitors and sharing freebies ia another way to get loyal visitors. Thanks for sharing this piece.
I agree blogging have great importance in today’s world. The blog should be useful for the user and also valuable. So this tips would be more useful for new
It’s a nicely-written article. I am a newbie in the blogging world. I am learning new things every day and definitely, I have learned something from your post too.
Thank you so much and please keep posting such helpful articles and encourage us.
Create valuable Relations – is a great and important advice, it really helps blog a lot.
Great Jobs! Blog design along with the optimized code with good hosting service will be added advantage to the blog to gain popularity.
It is really good that you already following my mentioned ways to make your blog popular 🙂