I have always loved browsing and reading articles about how to increase traffic to my websites.
I think it’s the kind of content that is evergreen and it is worth to be read, in any case. Because you never know if you can find some real, new methods or resources to receive fresh new traffic to your blog.
I made a summary, below, of 11 new and old effective tips to get visits to your websites. There are some of the ways I use to get traffic to my blogs.
Table of Contents
1. Create Quality Content for Your Audience
It ‘s always the same advice you read in this kind of articles : “Create Quality Content!”.
But try to dig a bit more.
Do you know your audience well? Do you talk with your readers?
If you achieve to understand correctly what your audience want, then you are right on your way to reach success.
This is also connected to become an authoritative blogger in your market.
What does it mean? For me, it means that every time you write a great post, it becomes viral.
Everything you say is true and your content is of value. Hence, people listen to what you say, and keep following you since the first time they know of your existence.
Do you have some favorite bloggers? What are these names? I ask you now to keep in mind for the comments. 🙂
Here you find a list of amazing bloggers to follow.
2. Frequently Update the Content of Your Blog
Frequently update the content on your website encourages visitors to return. In addition, allows you to improve your ranking on search engines. Google likes fresh and new content.
Not only it improves the positioning, but also enhance the visibility of your blog.
How many posts do you write per week? 1,3, 5 or even everyday? Whatever is your answer, stick with your scheduling time.
3. Use the Right Keywords in Your Niche
What are the most typed keywords in your niche? Do you know if they have high or low competition?
Which SEO tool do you use to understand that? Chris wrote a very useful article about :
Market Samurai – Review of Great Tool for Online Marketers and SEO Specialists
4. Use the SEO Techniques
The SEO techniques improve your rankings in the search engines. Therefore, they increase traffic to your website.
For example, this post, which talks about how to increase traffic on a site, is designed to rank well for the keywords: “increase traffic” (and may be some more?).
I wrote an article about the SEO basic rules, you might want to read it.
5. Increase Your Link Popularity
If you create quality content with a great location on the search engines, your site’s popularity will grow. What does this mean? Many of your visitors will link your content on their sites.
You will have an increase in your link popularity. And the engines will reward you with a further increase of visibility in SERPs. Hence, you increase traffic to your blog.
This is also called “Link Bait“, that I believe is strictly connected to become an authoritative blogger, or having an authoritative website.
6. Use Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools
They are indispensable tools for analyzing the statistics of your site and to correct errors on your pages. You should always analyze your traffic and discover what are the most visited pages on your blog.
This will help you understand what will be the subjects you need to write about in your next blog posts.
Ileane Smith wrote a recent article about “Getting Started with Google Analytics”, specifically for bloggers. There are some written content, a slideshare presentation and some useful videos. You may learn a lot from this material, like setting up your first URL goal – thank you, check where your readers go after visiting your blog or where they come from when they arrive to your pages.
7. Publish Case Studies
People love case studies! I like reading interesting case histories.
Did you achieved an important goal? So you should explain and publish how you reach that, with as many details, practical examples and screenshots as you can.
I have written some time ago an article about “How My Alexa Rank Went from 100K to 29K in 2 Months” . This post received great social signals and has more than 100 comments.
You should definitely use case study posts on your website to increase traffic!
8. Create Lists of Resources
This is may be time consuming, but it pays off when you receive many visits and many compliments from creating this kind of useful articles.
You can write about “CommentLuv enabled blogs” or “The Most Rated Blogs where you can Guest Post”.
People will bookmark your page and will share it with their friends.
9. Create a Newsletter
A newsletter with quality content is effective to increase the traffic on your site.
Try to give some useful tips about something in your niche, like a great plugin, a fantastic new resource online, or some free guides written by your friends bloggers.
I used Aweber in past to manage my mailing list, now I discovered SendinBlue (they have a completely FREE plan with up to 9000 emails/monthly).
10. Leave Comments on blogs of Your Niche
This is one of the most effective tips to increase traffic to your blog : find the most authoritative blogs in your niche and leave meaningful comments there. Even better if they have CommentLuv enabled, the benefits are double.
Try to be the first one! Even if I know that this is not so easy.
Don’t be afraid to show your personality while commenting outside your blog. You do not have to always please the owner of the website. If you have something different to say, just write it!
You can be friendly and constructive at the same time while you write something that goes against the stream.
11. Use the Social Power!
Talk about your website in social networks. In order to increase the traffic on your site, each social network need to be exploited according to its characteristics.
I was going to write in details my knowledge and experience for each of the mayor social networks in this article, but I think it’s worth to write a brand new post (this will be my next one).
So I will talk about Facebook groups (some secrets here), Twitter most powerful tools (and sharing websites), Social Sharing sites, and some more useful resources.
Check the post about how to get traffic from Facebook here (a lot of Facebook groups and URLs mentioned!).
So stay tuned and please share your thoughts about this article writing a comment below! 🙂
Can you also share some of your ways to get traffic?
Using the correct keywords for your niche is vital for Search Engine Optimization. For my blog I have 3 keywords which are freelance, online and jobs.
Good articles, some ideas are quite thrice told but some thought is really worth considering. In general the topic of increasing traffic is so many sided that every repetition of it is always welcome)) Thanks for the post.
Thanks brother, The list appealing is great strategy to increase traffic. Absolutely, I plan to use premium commentluv as soon as possible.
Very helpful article, Erik. I came across serveral of these tips before, especially the one about posting frequency but somehow I never found a “suitable” answer. It seems to be a very personal thing to decide upon. I stick to twice a week for the time being. If I do more I feel I’m loosing exposure for the previous post.
I’m now off to Ileanes blog to read the Analytics article, but be sure I’ll be back 😉
I thought I would find some thing new and unique here but its the same…
though a brush up to my technics for getting good traffic and good reader base
Great ideas to increase traffic. About the frequency of posting. I post about 2 times a week but I might reduce that to 1. I have observed that makes no diference as long as we keep promoting the older posts. On page SEO is important keeping in mind the keywords, tags, image tags, headings etc.
Very nice blog. Right keyword selection, content updating to the website and link popularity is the way of getting more traffic to the website.
these are great ways to get huge traffic for your blog thanks for sharing mate have a great day ahead!
Hi Erik,
I like those insights shared with reagards to increasing traffic.
Nice and genuine tips to increase traffic.
Hope am following the first half of the tips effectively, will try to follow the missed tips too.
Yes, frequent update with quality content and promotion through honest ways would definitely improve the traffic of a blog and helps to gain new readers.
Thanks for writing the useful stuffs for the bloggers, keep doing Erik sir!!!
Hey Erik, Those are all effective tips to increase website traffic, but what I’ve been struggling with from long time, and suggesting my readers is build your own traffic source, ever lasting traffic source to your blog. If you know what I mean 😉
Fantastic post, Erik. I agree that publishing case studies is one of the very best ways to increase traffic and popularity. I started publishing case studies when I first relaunched my blog last year and it brought in a ton of traffic and followers very quickly. Thanks for sharing your insights with us.
Hey, great summary!
I just wonder about the newsletter issue.
When we started our monthly newsletter campaign it gave immediate boost to our stats
But at the same time some e-mail systems put our domain to balcklist.
So we stopped this initiative pretty soon, however this was an opt-in/out option to every addressee on our list…
I am not a technical person, so warmly welcome a short explanation on this point 🙂
Erik, some really good oldies but goodies here and some new ones. One posting often, how often do you suggest? I used to do daily and went to 2x per week anad did not see a big difference in traffic. I may try 3x in the next few weeks as another experiment.
Hello Erik,
I have read many articles on this topic, but your article has got some unique points which are new to me. Firs one is about the case study. That seems to be a very good idea to me. I will definitely give that a try in the near future when I achieve some goal.
Commenting on other blogs is a really good way, and presently, that is my main source of traffic.
Where I am not getting much success is on the social media sites.
Thanks for sharing these points. 🙂
great post erik, its probably the 101 guide to starting in blogging in general
Hi Erik!
Fantastic post you’ve shared here. Thanks so much for the shout out and I’m glad you are using goals in Google Analytics now!
Thanks mate for covering all the aspects of SEO here.Really helpful notes these are amongst the best way to get good amount of inlinks and real organic traffic
Hi Erik – as a new reader to your blog I though I’d just hop on and leave a quick comment here to say I’ve been reading a few posts and enjoying them a lot. Thanks! Shaun
Good tips, in addition to creating quality content you need to be consistent on all levels. Consistent with you new blog posts and content and the same on your social sites and communities. Sometimes that is the hardest part, if you do not have the right resources.
I agree, consistency is key when it comes to blogging. Writing only one post a week consistently is better than writing 3 posts one week, and none in the next. That way, as a visitor, I’d know when to expect articles to publish, I’d know when I should come back and expect new content.
Inconsistent blogs are actually kind of annoying, in the sense that you may come back multiple times in hopes that something new was published, when nothing has.
commenting is what every great blogger says to do so here is my comment 🙂
Great article. It is packed with very useful information that I’m going to apply to my internet business. I have learned a lot here today. Thank you!
Another way to bring traffic to your site is by going to Yahoo Answers and signing up. There you can choose which topics to answer. At the bottom of the answer it will ask for a source for your answer. There you can put your URL. When you get about 200 points (you get points every time you answer) – your URL will be an actual link.
Just be careful, when answering, don’t put your URL in every answer, that is like spamming to the community. I know, my account was banned for a while.
Great share here Erik. Quality content, competitive & realistic KW or key phrases, optimize your links and avoid spamming – simply the key to get good traffic to your website.
I am always interested in finding out what I can do to drive more traffic to my site. I have implemented some of the techniques you mention, such as SEO and blog commenting.
As for using social media, that is something I am still learning. I also have Google Analytics and Google Webmasters involved, but have to admit I really don’t know how to use them very well.
I will check out that link getting started with Google Analytics to begin learning how to use it effectively. Thanks for the share.
thank you for publishing this awesome article sir!
I agree with all topics, just the creating newsletter doesnt work for me. I had set up mailchimp signup form on one of my blogs but was not getting people to sign up, so removed it.
Good article on increasing traffic,These tips will help my blog get some traffic.Thank you Erik.