Every blogger should take care about the way they write online. This is especially true for new bloggers, who have the duty to get started with the right foot.
Just think about the quality of communication you produce while you are writing. This post is dedicated to the newbies, but also to the veterans, who might want to check if there are still some points to improve.
Here are some of the most important things you should take care when writing online. Putting into practice the suggestions below will greatly increase the strength and effectiveness of your writing.
These steps will help you receive better results in terms of communication with your audience, but also in terms of better positioning of your content in the search engines.
Table of Contents
1. Set Your Communication Goals
Do you perfectly understand needs and problems of the niche audience you are targeting?
Do you know which keywords are the most typed by Google users within your niche?
Answering to these two questions is of paramount importance. Because it will allow you to create quality content for your audience (knowing what are the needs of your readers will allow you to satisfy their demands).
And then because it will allow you to positionate more effectively in Google the content you have created for your users (if you know which are the most typed keywords, you can optimize your own post for these keywords).
2. Establish an Editorial Plan, and Stick to It
Which are the arguments you need to talk about in your blog?
How many posts are you going to write in a week?
When are you going to publish your articles?
Answering to these questions will allow you to create a real editorial plan. After you decided, you must stick with it.
Because it is very annoying for your audience to see you promised one thing, but you will show little willingness to maintain it.
3. Adopt a Personal Style
Your writing style should be as personal as possible. You must not copy other bloggers.
In other words, you need to create a trademark that distinguishes your communication, making your voice recognizable among others. Of course, it is easier said than done … But this principle is true and very important.
Any suggestions?
For example, avoid writing your post with sterile, flat, boring style. Be lively and original. Do not write too long sentences or paragraphs. Avoid any type of jargon, unless you are sure that your readers know it as well as you.
4. Write Keeping an Eye on SEO
Adopting the techniques of search engine optimization will help your post to achieve a better position in the Google SERPs.
Therefore, carefully choose the keywords for which you want to rank your content and respect the SEO rules that will allow you to get a good position in search engines. With this regard, you can take a look to this article :
10 SEO Tips to Optimize Your Content ( Learn SEO basic rules )
5. Put the Key Information at the Beginning
Open your post with the most important information. In other words you should use the journalistic method of the inverted pyramid.
In general, you should begin each paragraph of your content adding the key information. By doing so, your users will immediately find the news or the concepts they seek.
Remember that online readers do not like to waste time or dip into reasoning deductive logic that can be made mainly on the paper.
So give them what they want right away!
6. Write a Suitable Text to Be Read Online
You certainly know it. Reading on the monitor is slower and more difficult than on paper or books. This is because online users does not read word for word, but they scan the text with their eyes, in order to see if on that web page they can find relevant and quality content.
If your readers feel that your article is of value, they continue reading. Otherwise they leave right away.
It is therefore essential for bloggers to write content that comply with the rules of web writing. In principle, this means using bold type to highlight the most important words or concepts and avoiding the effect of a wall text, fragmenting the content into paragraphs spaced. In the same way, use H1, H2, H3, and so on, to list your content according to its importance.
Use internal linking. What does this means? You need to create links that lead to other content which deepen the arguments of the post.
7. Write in Proper Form
Your spelling, grammar and syntax must be perfect. A post which has errors or misprints in fact lose credibility in the eyes of the reader.
This may happen even if the content offered is of great interest and utility. For this reason it is always very important to proofread a post carefully before hitting the publication button.
You might want to check this useful post :
How to Write in English – Mary’s Top 10 List of Common Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Mistakes
These are some of the main blogging tips that you should follow when you write new content online.
What do you think? Are you a new blogger? Or did you already have experience writing online?
Please let me have your thoughts in the comments below, thanks!
Hi Eric,
Great list!
I am relatively new to blogging and certainly have found it a big (but awesome) challenge.
I found that outsourcing the editing side was really empowering – freeing me up to actually produce posts and run a business at the same time.
Still working on a few of these but I am also finding the editorial plan to be really useful right now. Thanks!
Great Tips Erik, really one needs to have his own personalized style of writing and stuck to it or else- loos the credibility 🙂
Hey just rolled out a list, NPI is there. 🙂
Great stuff, Erik. I 100% agree that putting your best information at the beginning is HUGE.
There’s so much content out there that I usually spent about 10-seconds evaluating an article before deciding whether or not to read it. And if I see something interesting in the first 100 words or so I’m usually hooked.
Nice post Erik!
Think having an Editorial Plan is SOOOOOO important for blogs. This could be how often you post per week or simply how you present your content. Doing these things consistently will help a site to stand out and get recognised online.
I am also a newbie in blogging. I have just started my blog and want to get some link juice. I have been following your blog for the last 2 months. I am not generating any revenue yet. Can you tell me some ways i can increase my traffic and backlinks. Nice post btw…
Well written post Erik sir!
Hope am following most of the tips while writing my blog posts.
I never forget to give the key information in the beginning and will take care of SEO & proper form too.
Thanks for writing the useful post!
Be patient, be polite, be positive while writing a post for your blog. That’s my principle! I liked your tips, thanks.
these are must tips for beginner blogger to achieve success great share
Nice work Erik…
This is something which every novice blogger should look at. When I started blogging I struggled a lot as I was not aware of anything. All I used to do is write the stuffs and share it and never used to think of SEO and stuff. This is really informative; keep up the good work.
Hi Erik,
Cool post 🙂 Something as a blogger I didn’t do was have a plan like this – I just kinda started writing! Quickly developed my own “style” and it worked for me.
This is definitely something I would recommend any newbie writer / blogger to follow though – its logical and covers all the bases 🙂
Bookmarking now for future reference!
Great tips on content creation. I think these tips serve as a great format for any blogger, new or experienced.
I love writing and although I don’t start out with any plan and just start ranting, it is something that developed over time, along with my writing style (or lack thereof lol)
But for anyone unsure or just starting out, you raise some good points.
Every blogger must have his or her own style of writing their articles. The blogger must not copy what other blogs have written about or Google will penalize them.
hi there erik. i have read your post in blogengage and voted for it. thanks for sharing tips for newbie bloggers like me. i highly appreciate it..
when i first started to write blogs i write using my own style and never copied other bloggers .. 🙂
Great piece of advice you’ve given here..I think the most challenging task for newbie bloggers is to find their own voice..It’s quite common to copy the style of a popular blogger when someone is just starting out and doesn’t have an idea where to go.
And most importantly write great actionable content that people actually want to read.
Great tips indeed! Really interesting, especially the point about adopting a Personal Style of writing, that’s really important i think.
Writing is the soul to any blog but as to how to write it is also another dilemma. But this post has obviously done to that.
Hi Erik, I sincerely do like those points you shared.
Some nice tips indeed!
I think you’ve got most of the important tips here, personally I think that #2 is one of the most important. Consistency, You need to, as you’ve said stick to it. Lots of bloggers dont, maybe not seeing visitors straight away, or loosing focus, causing the whole thing to go under.
The #1 is patience. All good things will be failed if you have no patience.