Okay, you want to learn how to become a great writer and write an article very quickly. I will show you these tips, but before revealing them, I want to clear up what kind of articles you may write in less than one hour.
First of all, writing quickly doesn’t mean writing with poor quality. If you have something important to say, your article may be quick, without wordiness. One hour is a short period of time, but within it you can prepare a great article of about 500 words. In that time, you can discuss about three to five major points. So, if you plan to write a longer, higher quality article, you will (probably) need more time for it.
The second point here is that, if you need to interlink between your posts, finding related posts and proper anchors will also take time.
You will also want to find proper pictures, videos or other multimedia for your article and that can be timeconsuming.
So, let’s go to our tips:
Table of Contents
How to Write an Article in Less Than One Hour
1. Plan One Hour Free of Distractions
It may be obvious for you, that time for writing post or article should be free from distractions. But sometimes we forget about it. We are trying to concentrate, but we didn’t switch off Facebook or we are thinking about something else. We should try to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts and distractions, like Twitter or emails.
Here you can find my 10 tips How to Fight with Distractions
2. Believe in Yourself
Yes, it’s really important. Believing that you can write an article in less than one hour is very important. Without it you will write your article in hours or even days.
I’m not an English speaker or writer; what’s more, I started writing in English just half a year ago. I’m sure that my English teacher will be proud of me, even despite my grammar mistakes 😉 But without self-confidence I would never start writing in a foreign language. So – believe in yourself!
3. Plan What You Want to Achieve with an Article (2-5 minutes)
This point is essential. You have to know what you want. Should it be a promotional article? Or maybe you want to share your experience about something? Or is it a simple story for your readers? Do you want to make them cry? Or laugh? Or maybe you want to arouse interest about something? You should answer these questions before you start writing your article.
4. Do Some Quick Research On Your Topic (2-5 minutes)
I assume that you know the subject matter of your article. But even if you are an expert, it’s worth it to some research about it. You should check in your favorite search engine 😉 what’s hot, and what’s not. You can do it also on blogs you are following.
5. Write Down the Most Important Points of Your Article (2-5 minutes)
As I wrote at the beginning of this tutorial – find three to five important points you want to raise in your article. If you find more – it’s okay, but your article will be longer and probably will take you more than one hour (for example writing this article, finding related articles, anchors, pictures and publishing it, took me about three hours).
6. Use (12+2)*3 Technique
This technique is very simple – write for twelve minutes, take a two-minute break, and repeat it three times. If you need less or more time for writing an article – you should repeat it less or more times 😉 . But remember – for 12 minutes you should write and only write, without exceptions. After that, you will get a two-minute break, when you can do something else (but I recommend you to stay on the computer).
For counting minutes you can use a timer on your clock or smart phone. Even a kitchen timer may be good for this technique. This tip is modification of (10+2)*5 rule from www.43folders.com
7. Prepare a Tea or Coffee For You (2 minutes)
Yes, it’s really important for your mind. So, stand up and go to the coffee room or to the kitchen. If possible, you can even talk with somebody – but remember about the time limit – you have only two minutes for it!
8. Read Carefully and Correct All of Your Bug(s) or Misspellings (2-5 minutes)
You should read your article at least once and mark all errors or misspellings. After it, you should check it in your dictionary (or in Google 🙂 ), and correct all. If you have some time, you can read it once more.
9. Format Your Article – Make Points, Paragraphs, Links to Other Sites (2-5 minutes)
Now it’s the time for improvements and for formatting your post. Your article should be readable – think about it as brochure – is it easy to read, understand and find the main points?
10. Be Consistent in Your Actions
That means try to write an article every day, at least for two weeks. After two weeks you will see that your writing ability will improve very quickly.
And I have one more tip about fast writing for you. If you have other ideas or topics for your website or blog – write them down. Every time you find something interesting – put it on paper (or .doc 🙂 ).
For instance I have a list about 50 new topics and ideas for my blog – and you?
Now you can see, that these tips are great not only for free articles directory ;), but also for your own blog or website. If you want to write killer article, which will charm your audience, you must read two more tutorials:
How to Write Killer Article – 10 Article Writing Tips
How to Attract Your Blog Posts – 20 Tips for Normal People
Of course, for writing articles or posts you may try to use one of the article writing services or hire a professional copywriter. But it costs you a lot of money, it’s also time-consuming (you must find high quality writers, discus idea(s) of article(s) with them, check their articles and finally pay them for the staff), and it doesn’t give you satisfaction from well written article 🙂
Do you like this article? Still not enough? Subscribe to our newsletter and get our great ebook “DON’T WAFFLE! 15 Awesome Tips About Creating Great Content for Your Blog“ for free!
And what are your tips for fast writing? Do you have some techniques for it, or are you spontaneous with it? Please share your experience below in the comments.
Hi Chris,
Your informative article really helped me in writing a worthy content for my bolg in less time as it was taking 2- 3 hrs earlier, As now i always keep these tips in my mind before starting a blog, Great time management skills.
Truly worthy and inspirational article, Wish to have more form you.
This (12+2)x3 method breaks the state of flow too often. I think the Pomodoro Method is better for me (25 minutes work + 5 minutes break).
I think the easiest answer to this is however many you can. Push yourself to the absolute limit without sacrificing quality.
I write about 2,000–3,000 words in an hour, but I’ve been working hard to do so. Start with timing yourself with however words you think you can do, surpass that, and then go up every time. Maybe start at 500, keep going by up 500.
thanx, it helps me a lot, First Researching a topic is essential and is the area where many of us fail.
It’s impossible for me cause I must Edit pictures too.
Great content I am working as content writer and your article help me in writing my articles.
Great article. This is the best way to write an article .
Much thanks! God Bless!
Nice article, thanks for sharing a piece of valuable information with us.