SEO can be a tricky business.
Many campaign managers have spent an hour after an hour on their campaign only to find that their strategies are ineffective.
This could be due to any number of things; but if your website is suffering in ranking, then perhaps it is time to review your campaign’s strategy to find out where you are missing out, and why, on all that valuable traffic. T
here is no fool-proof stratagems out there that work perfectly for all situations, each website and the business that it represents is unique after all, as is their target audience.
Your SEO strategies should adequately reflect this if they are to succeed, and here is how you can go about doing this.
There is one thing to bear in mind however, SEO is difficult and complicated, often requiring a skilled team to get it right, which is probably the reason why most businesses prefer to use professional digital marketing agency services in the UK.
Table of Contents
Auditing Your Site
Doing an audit of your site’s framework is an important task for any SEO campaign, but is often overlooked until something is clearly wrong somewhere in the campaign.
An audit will allow you to review data on your website’s performance with regards to the amount of traffic it drives, where the traffic comes from, and which components in your strategy have met with success or proved ineffective to the campaign.
Because of this, it is largely beneficial to do an audit as regularly as your time will allow. Take this opportunity to audit your site and determine where your efforts are being best spent, so that you can emphasise your energy and resources in those areas, while doing away with those that aren’t doing you any good.
Get Information On User Interests
One of the most underestimated ways to increase organic traffic includes sourcing information about your target audience’s interests directly from them.
This will help you direct the creation of your content in a way that is in line with your users’ trending interests, which means your content will likely get more attention, driving more traffic to your site.
There are quite a few ways to do this that either make use of tools, or elements in your existing campaign if you already have them in place.
Follow conversations, comments and reviews on any social media platforms that your business is active on.
This direct community involvement will give you a strong idea of what your viewers are talking about, and allow you to create content that will peak their interests.
You could also consider using your website’s internal search database to check what visitors to your site have been searching for. This will allow you to create content that will better answer their questions.
Make Your Site Responsive
A responsive website is one that can automatically shift its layout and dimensions to suit the specifications of the device it is being viewed on.
Responsive designs are becoming more important as more and more users surf the web from multiple devices such as phones, tablets and PCs.
If your rankings are suffering, it could be that your site is not designed with this in mind, essentially alienating any user who doesn’t use the device the site was intended for.
Over 60% of conversions from websites come from mobile browsers around the world, with slightly lesser numbers coming from tablets and PCs.
With statistics as diverse as this, you really can’t afford to publish a website that is not responsive.
Pay More Attention To Your Content
There is a very trite saying in the SEO world that content is king, but it has become somewhat of an SEO slogan because it is absolutely true.
It is the content that fleshes out your site and makes it attractive to viewers and crawlers alike, so if you are not paying enough attention to your content creation strategies, you are seriously missing out.
For the best results, content should be produced regularly to signal to crawlers and your audience that your site is active and lively.
Writing blogs and articles will spread link juice, give you an opportunity to exploit your keywords, and draw user attention.
Content should always hold some degree of relevance to your website, product and services, so it gives you a great opportunity to tell the world about what you do.
Besides that it should always be written in as natural form as possible by avoiding robotic language and keyword stuffing, which will only have an adverse effect on your rankings.
Take Advantage Of Localisation
The web might communicate globally, but your business doesn’t need to. It is vastly important to pay careful attention to your local SEO efforts to ensure that you target the right audience for your site.
To do this, make sure that your contact information is correctly filled in on your sites and articles, and that the information is consistent along all platforms, (social media included).
Be sure to snag keywords that up your social ranking by avoiding vague terms of cities or countries, in favour of more specific ones that show reflect your exact location.
Get Involved With The Community
Social media isn’t for everyone, but it is the perfect platform for marketing your business, and as such, is an essential part of your SEO campaign.
Creating accounts on sites like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter is an excellent way to get your brand into the social sphere where hopefully it will generate discussions on your services or products.
Social media campaigns also provide a wonderful opportunity to create discourse between you and your target where two-way communication can be mutually beneficial.
But perhaps the greatest advantage to having a well chiselled social media campaign is that it gives you an additional foundation to publish, post and spread your content through the web to boost your rankings.
The Checklist
These strategies may seem like a lot to take in, but with the right amount of attention, practice and this checklist, you should be okay:
- Audit your site to ensure that you are concentrating on the areas of SEO that are working well, and are eliminating those that are not.
- Find out as much information as you can on your users’ interests through social media and internal searches so that you can create content that is interesting and relevant to them.
- Adopt a responsive website design paradigm to ensure that your site is easily viewable on all platforms, including smart phones, tablets and PCs.
- Consistently publish content that is relevant, interesting and naturally constructed to drive more traffic towards your site with clever use of keywords, hyperlinks, anchor texts and rich media.
- Make sure your localisation efforts are up to scratch to attract the right audience to your website.
- Make good use of social media campaigns to get involved with the community, gain reviews and spread content.
Hopefully these tips will show you something that you might have been missing in your strategies.
It might take a little work at first, but if you start implementing these tasks sooner rather than later, you will soon be seeing the benefits of better ranking.
What do you think?
Do you have any other suggestions?
Please share your views in the comments below, thanks!
Hi, thanks for sharing this important information. This information is very helpful to increase traffic to website.
Hey, Erik!
Whooppss! This post gives me a lot to check on my site! 🙂
I need to go through all of the points to find out where I am.
But what I can tell that I acquired a responsive theme recently from Genesis and so loving it. 🙂
Thanks for sharing it and giving me some actionable tips to improve my site! 🙂
Will share the results soon!
~ Adeel
Just to add Adeel,
You made a wise choice in choosing GENESIS THEME because apart from it’s responsiveness,
Genesis is one of the most optimized WordPress framework for building influential blogs.
Am happy for you.
Let us know here how it goes.
Wish you well Adeel
Hi Erick,
Thanks a million.
I love this post because it Point out the real ingredients for gaining attention traffic and fame.
The truth about building a popular Blog is this:
It’s difficult to pull in search engine traffic.
In the beginning of my blogging journey, I was told to focus on generating more articles, keyword density or stuffing, internal links and so on…
(Sure, some are still effective)
The problem is, the experts don’t tell us exactly how to go about all this. They don’t tell us the type of contents to write and how.
From a distance, it looks easy and quick but In reality, It’s not.
After About 2 year of blogging and following those advice, it dawned on me that those are totally useless, dumb and crazy traffic ideas for newbie bloggers.
Honestly, it sucks how experts keep silent about about this whole traffic and seo thing.
The worst part?
Hundred and thousands of bloggers are soaked in the valley of uncertain blogging ideas.
And no one cares.
So, the big question is:
How do you drive traffic to your blog from search engine?
As Erick pointed out clearly, It’s about USABILITY. Getting real information on your readers interest.
The best way to do this is to take survey, study Comments and forums.
Secondly Doing an Seo Audit is indispensable if you truly want to rank properly on the search engine. And Moz tool will aid you here.
And Erick, the last point also struck a cord.
This article is awesome!
I’ll share this and thanks for the mention.
You Rock!
Hi Erik,
We have to provide information what users are looking for on the internet, initial days of my blogging I use to write an article which interests me, later I found what mistake I am doing.
Mobile responsive theme and page load time another important factor which reduce the bounce rate and user experience, thanks for sharing your knowledge about these SEO techniques, see you soon with another article.
Hi Erik,
Yet another informative article by you. The points you mentioned are very helpful to increase traffic to website especially the responsive website. It is very important to have responsive design because of the increase of mobile internet users.
Thanks for sharing this post 🙂
Hey Erik
from this article I learn something new and must be increase the traffic from now with the help of this
I never taken any care of my blog design. My blog design is not responsive. I never thought that responsive design is also a ranking factor. But now I am surely going to change my blog template.
When writing a content for your content marketing, it is very important to keep the audiences in the mind. Users will usually key in different keywords to search for what they are looking for. User’s intent is important because users want to look for the answers to their questions. if writer understands what the users want to read, the writer can provide relevant information for the readers to keep reading.
Hi Erik,
This is another informative article through you. The points you mentioned are very beneficial to increase visitors to website particularly the responsive website.
It is very essential to have responsive layout due to the increase of cell net customers.