Do you want to get paid to write?
One of the most lucrative ways to generate income with the internet is with freelance services.
I’m sure you have your favorite list of sites, but you may want to check the following resources.
Here are the places where you can be paid to write, divided into levels of writing skills (based on my experience).
Just click on any of the following links, to jump directly to your reference level:
Table of Contents
Beginner Level
Here is where you should begin if you are still refining your writing skills.
1. iWriter
Anyone can register on this site and earn money right away.
Choose your favorite topics and start taking opportunities. You can earn $15 per article, as a beginner.
Sign up here.
2. OnlineWritingJobs
This website accepts freelance writers from all over the world.
Payment varies from $12 per article up to $50, depending on the quality of the content.
Check it out here.
3. dotWriter
That’s a pretty unique concept here.
You write your articles and then you can add them into dotWriter’s marketplace.
There are different topics, so you can surely find the ones of your interest.
For example in the “Internet & Online Business” category, I see an average of $15 per 600/700 words posts.
See this screenshot:
If you are able to write several articles and list them on this marketplace, there’s a chance you can earn some decent money.
Here you can find the writer’s page information.
4. Free-Work
Good place for finding new opportunities as a beginner writer.
You can get paid for jobs related to your skills and interests.
Payments range between $7 up to $31 per page of your work.
Check here for further details.
5. Steemit
Think of a blogging platform and a social network mixed together. You can write about anything, so be sure to showcase your expertise.
You can register for an account and then you can start posting content.
They pay writers with the cryptocurrency Steem. The amount of payment depends on how many traffic your content will getting. The average is $5–$10 per post.
This is another website you want so sign up in order to get paid for exclusive offers and writing opportunities on a daily basis.
Payments are approved twice a month.
At the moment of this writing, the highest rate for a job is around $500.
Register here.
7. Vocal
It’s similar to Medium. You can submit your articles and be paid to write here, based on the number of views your content will get. Allowed topics are almost everyone, so you can write about anything on Vocal. Aim at 750+ words minimum.
You just need to sign up. After that, you may simply submit your article for curation.Vocal media will pay you around $3 per 1000 views. If you decide to become vocal+ member for $10 per month, then you will get $6 per 1000 views.
8. HubPages
HubPages is pretty popular in the community of writers and readers, because it will pay you via Google Adsense Ads placed in your article.
Write about pretty anything, so it’s a good place if you are just starting out as a freelance writer. It’s a nice opportunity to build an audience pretty fast, thanks to the popularity of this platform.
If you want to give it a go, you simply need to register and sign up for monetization. Then, submit your content for publication.
If your article ranks well in search engines, you can make something between $0.1 to $1.5 per thousand views. Just do the math…if your post become popular on Google, it will generate countless impressions.
9. Constant Content
This is another website that allows you to sell your articles to different clients and get paid for your skills.
As you write more and become an expert, you will be able to enter the “Writer Pool” in order to get exclusive projects from customers.
I see a good average rate at their marketplace, something around 50$ for each article.
Remember that Constant Content will take 35% of commissions, so you’ll earn the remaining 65%.
Payments via PayPal. Check it out how to register here.
Intermediate Level
Here are the sites for intermediate level writers.
10. Listverse
This website is awesome and has high-quality content.
Here you can submit your list posts, with really interesting facts.
Requirements are:
- 1,500 words
- 10 items minimum
- focused on the most fascinating and rare gems of knowledge
You can get paid $100. Here’s the link for your submission.
11. Bustle
An online magazine seeking writers about different topics, like entertainment, lifestyle, and fashion or beauty.
They pay $0.25 a word so it’s a great way to get paid to write.
Here‘s the page you want to check.
12. WritersWeekly
These folks are looking for articles that explain to their readers how to make money money doing what they more love, writing!
Get paid $60 for 600 words or $40 for 400 words articles.
Visit this page to read more.
They pay $50 up to $150 for each published post.
Submit your articles about women entrepreneurs, and similar topics.
Check this page for more information.
14.Doctor of Credit
Doctor of Credit has a blogger program that will allows you to earn $50 for each article approved.
Submit your content about finance, focusing on credit.
More information here.
15. Income Diary
With more than 100,000 visitors each month and created in 2009, this is an established website you want to get paid to write for.
The topics are online business, making money online, web traffic, social media and internet marketing. You should be expert in any of this field, before thinking to apply.
The rate vary from $150 to $300 per post and payment are made via PayPal.
The link for submitting your articles is here.
16. eCommerceInsiders
eCommerceInsiders will let you earn:
- $75 for every article from 400-600 words
$125 for every article >600 words
$150 for every article 600+ words
Submit your articles about ecommerce topics on this page.
Expert Level
Here are the sites for highly skilled writers.
17. Narratively
Narratively is ready to pay you anything between $200-300 for your content.
They ask essays of 2000/2500 words on specific topics. Check their page for detailed guidelines.
18. BuzzFeed
Buzzfeed is a popular website, with millions of unique visitors every month.
They post content about a wide variety of topics to keep their visitors entertained and informed.
They usually pay writers from $.10 to $.30 per word.
19. International Living
This is a popular and established magazine.
They are accepting paid contributions from expert writers.
Visit this link to submit your article.
20. SitePoint
SitePoint is looking for expert writers about the following topics: HTML, CSS, and Sass.
Check more information here.
This 2025 updated list will help you getting paid to write.
I hope you found some new resources in this page, and I’ll keep it updated.
So, be sure to bookmark it!
What’s your experience with the above-mentioned sites?
Do you have some new ones to add?
Please share your views in the comments below, thanks!
And don’t forget to share the content, if you liked it.
Nice list, Erik! There’s deff a site or two I hadn’t heard of.
Unfortunately Break Studios’ last article appeared sometime in 2012 and they just abandoned everything after that (to the best of my knowledge). I have checked many times since then to no avail.
An old site called “Crowd Source” is gaining traction, though. Once you gain access, they present you with a bunch of short tasks (mostly Yahoo Answers style). You can claim or “grab” any job you like from the list and complete it. They also pay the day after approval, so you don’t have to wait a week or a month.
I also have a bit of a list, dedicated to similar sites where you can “grab” assignments from a pool. (sorry if the link is inappropriate, feel free to remove it!)
Sites like TextBroker and iWriter:
Thanks Erik, enjoy your week!
I think what they did with Break Studios was that they picked a handful of writers and made them permanent. No matter how many times I’ve logged into their writing platform over the years, there’s never anything available. Unless they only add 1-2 articles a week, in that case it would be pretty hard for me to ever see anything :p
Crowd Source pays, on average, $2.50 per task via PayPal (many of them look like Yahoo Answers-type questions). They usually have no less than 1,000 tasks available (although many of them can’t be written due to how odd the questions are, combined with strict guidelines).
Once you reach a certain approval rating and/or complete a certain amount, they increase your level. This allow you to earn $2.75 to $3. or so, depending on your level.
I write there once in a while, but not enough to know everything about them. Either way, it’s a decent source to check here and there.
This is a very useful resources for writers who want to build a freelance writing career by getting hands-on experience and getting paid for it. I would probably add Infobarrel (earn cash from their IB Ads System) and Bubblews (lots of visitors = cash). I’m not sure how the latter works, but I’ve heard good things about it and that they pay very well, too. Nonetheless, these don’t detract the fact that this a very good post. Will be sharing it on my social media account.. Good job, Erik!
Hey Erik,
A very useful resource I must remark! I am not even aware of most of these sources to get paid for writing. Its worth bookmarking. I am going to check out each and everyone of them to see what they offer at real time ;D Moreover, I will like testimonials and reviews on these sites!
I left the above comment in as well
Hi Erik,
Nice list, indeed! 🙂
I know about iWriter, my brother tried it to be a writer there. It seems that I am still at the beginner level. 😆
Yes, I know about Break Studios. I have written a review about this before. But, I had no idea that Break Studios will be at the level of experts. 🙂
For others, this is the first time I heard about them. I learned something new today. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this with us, Erik.
Hope you can enjoy the rest of this week!
Hi Erik,
Great list here!
Though i am not pro writer i think this will be a useful list for my future use!
Nice to know about such a lot of platform out there to help and encourage writers!
Thanks Erik for sharing this wonderful list.
Of course i will be recommending some of these pages to my online friends and ha may try out for my future use!!
I mean I will be sharing this thru my social web pages.
Thank you so much for the collection of these platforms.
Keep sharing
Have a wonderful and profitable week ahead
~ Phil
PS: Hey, Erik I found this post curated at kingged and i up-voted it and shared a comment too!
Have a profitable time ahead
Keep sharing
OMG. Erik, I am a freelance writer, and I can’t help shouting wow over and over again. You just gave me a blank cheque with this.
Thanks so much for this. You may not understand, but I find the links very very helpful
Hi Erik,
This is a huge list of freelance websites information from beginners to mid level, I know only about income dairy website which pays for freelancers.
I think this list is very important to bookmark to refer multiple times, thank you very much for sharing the information.
Huge list, and thanks for classify those into beginner, expert, and etc etc…I now considered to join to one or two sites and try to get my luck. But I know I have to learn more to improve my writing skill. Thanks, Sir this is useful…
Hi Erik,
Only Few of them name I know, Even I didn’t try those. .
Very useful list you share here. Just What any freelancer writer need.
Currently my writing skill is at beginning level. 😛 Too became a pro writer I have to polish my writing skill.
Bookmarked this post for my future use.
Thanks for this awesome list.
Freelancing is becoming increasingly popular because people want to take control of their lives and start their own things. Websites that pay for writing is great ways for freelancing newbies to make some cash and grow their portfolio. I think that people should eventually branch out from using sites that pay for their writing if they want to grow their own business and make more money. The sites that you have listed here are some great sites. Some of them I have not heard of and will have to look more into them.
Good list, let me try with iwriter for no and if i get more orders will focus on other sites too. What you say Erik?
Ok, let me follow your words.
Thank you. 🙂
Just the thing I was looking for.
However, I believe I’m not that good in writing.
Gonna bookmark it, thanks, I mean it.
Hi Erik,
Great list of sites to get paid for writing. I knew only three of the sites mentioned in this post. Will give a try with others. Thanks for sharing this list.
Hey Erik,
Bunches of information from this website each and every time, and the great list for freelancer worker and these kinds of information is highly valuable and noteworthy, I bookmarked of this linked.
Thanks for shared and enjoyed to reading this post once again!
Hello Erik sir,
I just dropped by to tell that I got a little success in my writing job. This article informed me about dotwriter and I tried it few times.
I got rejected the first 3 times. But I submitted one more, of course, the previous 3 had taught me a lot.
This time, I got it approved.
Just wanted to give you a big thank you for letting me know about these sites.
One thing I found out, dotwriter doesn’t accept lose writing, they only want solid info written concisely with no grammatical / punctuation mistakes.
And if you’d be kind enough to look at that approved article, it’s in the link, hope you don’t mind that I placed it there.
Thank u so much, sir.
Keep well.
Hi Erik,
I am pleased to read this post and commend you on your effort to create
awareness for budding writers, opening new gateways for them to enter the
domain of marketing content. This is a good opportunity for starters, to not
only earn but also learn in the process.
Erik, this is an amazing resource for people like me. I started my freelance writing career with a website called i writers, and thought it was the only resource available for freelancers who like to write and make money through it.
I’m a new blogger and recently started my website but it take time to get adsence approved and get some money. That’s why for now I want to try one of these for extra income. I write in Android News or How to Niche. Can you suggest me which site is suitable for me? Thanks
Wow Erik, never knew this whole list of getting paid existed! Thanks for sharing.
Wow Erik! I am just stepping into this adventure and gathering information. There’s SO much it has my head spinning at the moment! Lol
However, I’m very appreciative of the information you’ve shared here! Thank you so much!
Awesome Dear…… I was looking for a freelancer writer job. Here you provide informative and useful information. I will definitely signup these sites.
Thanks !!!
Mind-Blowing article! Erik, you’ve done a great job. There’s a ton of freelance writing sites out there. The difficult part is choosing the most reliable ones. But you made it easy for us to do stuff. Thank you very much for that.
With Regards,
Aria Mathew
Thank you for the great compilation, Erik. I’ve never heard of any of the freelance sites you’ve described. Really helpful
Hey Erik, I’m glad that i came across this blog. Very useful and much-needed one at this time. Thanks for sharing the list. Keep writing more.
Thanks & Regards
Hello Erik,
This is a great list of sites for freelancer writers. Freelance writing is one of the best legitimate ways to make money online through your writing skills. If anyone have good writing skills then these sites are goldmine for them. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Vishwajeet Kumar
Useful article for freelancers Erik. Very reliable sites you included in this list.
Great Sites list that Pay to Write, very Useful article for freelancer writers. thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing the list. actually i am planning to do freelance job and i found this blog helpful . i this list lot of freelance well done.
Awesome, You helps me very well in these lockdown days, Because i was just looking for some online make money platforms. Thanks Dear
PostPigeon is transforming the world of communication by enabling companies to send handwritten letters and cards without ever lifting a pen or sticking a stamp.
Hi Erik, Awesome list of sites to get paid for writing. I knew only hardly 2-3 of the sites mentioned in this post. Will give it a try with others. Thanks for sharing this list.
Hi Erik, Awesome list of sites to get paid for writing. I knew only hardly 2-3 of the sites mentioned in this post. Will give it a try with others. Thanks for sharing this list يلا شوت نيوز | yalla shoot new أهم مباريات اليوم
This is a very useful resources for writers who want to build a freelance writing career by getting hands-on experience and getting paid for it. I would probably add Infobarrel (earn cash from their IB Ads System) and Bubblews (lots of visitors = cash). I’m not sure how the latter works, but I’ve heard good things about it and that they pay very well, too. Nonetheless, these don’t detract the fact that this a very good post. Will be sharing it on my social media account.. Good job, Erik!
Great post, thanks for mentioning these authentic platforms to start a content writing career. This article is too helpful for me. Thanks!
Thanks a lot for that list, there are a lot of sites here that I never heard about, i’m going to check out all of them
This post eventhough it is from 2015, is still up to date!
Thank you very much !
Hey Erik,
It would be really useful for me. Thanks a lot for that list and it seems to look like awesome sites and high authority platformed one. Thanks for sharing this.
Hi Erik,
Great post! I am a writer and I constantly look for resources to earn additional income. So, thanks a lot for sharing these sites with the readers. It will really help me earn some side income by writing. I will also share this article with fellow writers as well. This will help them earn additional income from these sources as well, and set aside some money for the holiday expense. I really appreciate you taking the time and helping the community.
Thanks for the sites! I follow your site and so I trust the tips,
I looked at others but I was not very interested.
I need to make extra income and it’s going to help.
Hey Erik,
The very well-inspired article now a day’s people don’t know about it at the correct time you declared this tips of 20 paid resource it would really help full for them. I am Glad to see this article.
Really impressed to read this article about earning revenue by having free lancer jobs thanks to the author
Hey Erik, I’m glad that i came across this blog.Very useful and much-needed one at this time.Keep writing more.
get paid recourses in digital platform for content writing is challenging task will paid internationally very high it should be more valuable and important now a days.
Hey Eric,
Covid hit me hard. I lost my job and was stuck at home waiting for my luck to shine. Frustrated & tensed I made up my mind to search for online freelancing works. Lots of websites, yes lots of, but none could give a satisfactory answer. Untill now, I stumbled upon your article. Thanks a lot Eric. It helped me a lot.
May God bless you.
Amazing post, thanks for mentioning these genuine platforms to start a content writing career. This article is too helpful for me. Thanks!
Hey Erik,
A very useful resource I must remark! I am not even aware of most of these sources to get paid for writing. Its worth bookmarking. I am going to check out each and everyone of them to see what they offer at real time ;D Moreover, I will like testimonials and reviews on these sites!
I left the above comment in as well.
Hello Erik,
That is a great list of sites for freelance writers. Freelance writing is one of the best legitimate ways to make money online through your writing skills. If anyone has good writing skills, then these sites are goldmines for them. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Rana Umer
Hey Erick!
That is a beneficial resource for writers who want to build a freelance writing career by getting hands-on experience and getting paid for it. I’ve heard good things about it and that they pay very well, too. Nonetheless, these don’t detract from the fact that this is an excellent post. I will be sharing it on my social media account.
Hi Erik,
I am grateful for the valuable information I consistently receive from this website. The list of freelancer workers is particularly noteworthy; I refer to it often. I have bookmarked the linked page for future reference.
Thank you for sharing this post. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it once again.
Dear Erik,
I am delighted to have read your post and commend you on your commendable efforts to raise awareness for aspiring writers. Your initiative to introduce new avenues for them to enter the world of content marketing is highly appreciated. It presents an excellent opportunity for novices to earn and gain valuable knowledge along the way.
Vicky Shah
Hey Erik
I appreciate the useful knowledge I always get from this website. I frequently refer to the list of freelancer employees since it is extremely noteworthy. For future use, I have bookmarked the linked page.
I appreciate you sharing this article. It was a pleasure to read it again.
Great platform recommendations! I am always looking the best ways to monetize my content. You categorize the platforms well. If we use multiple platforms of writing, we expand our audience in the right way.
This compilation is gold! I’ve tried a few of these resources and they’ve significantly boosted my writing income. Kudos for curating such a valuable list!