A few years back, my friends and family members looked at me with cold and mysterious eyes when I told them that I do blog, and I would like to take up blogging as my profession.
I never got support from anybody.
Even some people, whom I knew, believed that blogging is an illegal profession, as they did not know what exactly it is. In fact, they never tried to know also, but comment all these when budding writers like me wanted to become a blogger.
Really, a depressing time was that for me when I started blogging.
The time has changed. Now people know about this profession of blogging much more than they know what people used to think before.
In fact, many successful people turned blogger despite having an opportunity to earn good amount of bucks from another profession.
However, like the other profession, the profession of blogging also got some myths associated with it that never turn out to be true.
Sometimes I feel awkward when I come across a person asking me about some common myths about blogging.
Well, I cannot uncover all the myths about blogging to all the people here in this world.
However, I can try to educate at least some people by uncovering few common myths that people have about blogging.
In this article, I am going to uncover 5 myths about blogging.
Table of Contents
#1. Couldn’t get into any profession? Ok, try blogging-
Many people now a days think that blogging is a very easy task and everybody can take this up as a profession.
However, this is absolutely wrong. Not everybody can become a popular blogger and earn good revenue from blogging.
It requires hard work sans sleep. It also requires strong determination, motivation and zeal to work.
In fact, initially earning may not be there, which may demotivate you.
Therefore, you have to have the determination to stick to blogging to get a good number of loyal viewers to generate good revenue.
A good grasp of the language on which you are blogging is necessary for a blogger.
If you cannot play with words and cannot weave a good blog with the words, then this profession is a big ‘NO’ for you.
#2. If you are a good writer, you can earn well from blogging-
Well, this is another common myth related to blogging.
You may be a good writer, but that does not mean that you will be a good blogger and earn well.
There are many activities associated with blogging that ultimately helps a blog to get popularity.
For example, you need to do content marketing, social media optimization, search engine optimization, pay per click, etc. to generate traffic to your blog.
Not only will a good writing skill bring traffic to your blog. You need to have knowledge at least a bit about all these stuff.
On the other hand, another option is that you can hire some professional to work on the backend to popularize your blog.
#3. To start blogging, you can write on any topic-
Now this is a very big question can a blogger write on any topic in this world? Well, have you heard that ‘Jack of all trade, master of none’?
If you start writing on all the niches, then this proverb will be apt for you.
Therefore, it is always advisable that you select the niche that interests you the most. The topic on which you want to learn more and more and also want to write more and more.
The topic that will never make you bored. You can decide the niche in a cool mind. This will help you to find out your strongest niche of writing.
So do you have one such niche in your mind?
Okay, fine, you can start blogging.
Tip: Read how you can find profitable long-tail keywords here!
#4. You can dump your blog with as many contents as you can-
Some think that dumping a blog site with a huge number of the blog is a good way to generate traffic. However, this is not at all true.
You can keep the number of your posts minimum, but the quality should be superb.
There should not be any copied content in your post. It should be fresh and refresh the reader’s mind while reading.
Writing too many blogs a day will definitely hamper the quality of your blog.
This will ultimately result in a poor quality blog, which is most unwanted.
Not quantity, but quality matters in blogging. So keep posting less number of posts, but keep the quality superior.
#5. Blogging can be a pastime only as this generates less revenue-
I will differ with the people who believe in this myth.
Several bloggers out there earn more than the salaried persons who work in reputed organizations having good designations and earning well.
So, if you are good at writing, and if you are confident that you can do something good with blogging, then you can go for it.
Don’t give the foul-mouthed people an opportunity to dampen your wish to become a blogger.
Some sites are there that can generate around 100 millions of viewers per month generating a huge amount of revenue to the owner.
It is always better to late than to start never.
So, if you are convinced with the myths and taboos associated with blogging and if you think you can do something big out of the box, then you should start blogging immediately.
Do a good research on blogging and success will definitely be on your way.
What do you think?
Are you blogging for money?
Please share your experience leaving a comment, thanks!
photo credit: Da View (license)
Well written post Nagi, good to see you on Nopassiveincome 🙂
I totally agree with your viewpoints on these blogging myths.
Blogging is an art where dedication is needed. As you said, writing skill is not only the key to getting succeed in blogging!
A professional blogger should be a good content writer, content marketer, SEO specialist and social media enthusiast. Besides, he/she should have the ability to handle tricky situations like new algorithms, penalty issues and so on.
Starting a blog with a fascinating niche is more important to update the blog without any trouble and yes, dumping the unessential stuff to fill the blog never help to stand out from the crowd.
My mind got refreshed after reading your post, keep teaching the blogging matters for us.
Have a good day!
Thanks a lot Nirmala mam.
Anything we do in life needs dedication, so I don’t know why people consider blogging as an easy profession.
Either you are in study, business or anything, without dedication nothing is possible, so blogging is no more different than anything.
I have few people in touch with me who are very good writers but ‘only writing’ cannot take them anywhere in the blogging profession, as they’ll have to explore too many other things as well.
I hope people will understand something about blogging after going through this article and start treating it as a real profession rather than a hobby.
Hi Kulwant – I am not blogging yet to make money. I’m narrowing my niche and definining my target market as well as growing my email list. I hope to make money blogging in the future. It is also a resume for me. What better way to know me and my talents than via my blog?
My friends outside of blogging have no idea what blogging is about. When and if I talk about it, I get blank stares. Even my dad asked what I did with my free time and I had to send him a link. He would never understand if I tried to explain blogging 🙂
I always believe it’s never too late!
Have a great day and new month Kulwant.
If you are working on your targeted niche, I would say you are in absolutely right direction, because most of the bloggers fail at this stage.
I agree with your point about the society, as they don’t know what we do.
I hope 5 years down the line they’ll start understanding what we were doing and they’ll feel proud because we are on the right path.
Have a good start of the month. 🙂
Hi Kulwant, and welcome to Erik’s blog 🙂
Good to see your post here this time (though with a new blog I think) – reminds me of your guest post on my blog – remember us! 🙂
Coming to the post, you are right about the points you mentioned – but who said blogging was easy!! It isn’t a bed of roses at all, and tougher still to explain to the folks offline what it is all about and how we can earn through our blogs!
True! As I was a writer earlier, I can understand your #2 here – there was a lot of learning a writer has to do to become a blogger, and that learning still carries on! About #3, perhaps I’d differ a little because of my multi-niche blog and I think the various niches that I do write about, and so far they’ve been picked up well, or perhaps being a freelance writer, it’s always been easy for me as I started gradually with one niche and kept taking it forward, based on what my readers liked.
Overall, yes, you can definitely earn from your blogs once you know the way about it all, and there are many who are, so it does work. 🙂
Thanks for sharing Kulwant’s post with us at the ABC, Erik. Have a nice week ahead, both of you 🙂
Good to see you Harleena mam.
How can I forget about that post on AhaNow, because it’s still second most popular article on your blog. 😉
Blogging was never an easy profession and would never be as it used to be. After Google making some big search engine algorithm changes it’s going to become damn hard to become a blogger 3-4 years down the line.
You have established yourself as a brand so point 3 is not valid for you. This point is for those bloggers who just want to start from scratch and have no idea what blogging is.
I am happy to say that you have established your blog such a big brand with your flawless efforts and dedication to make it big.
Thanks for being here and interacting with me. 🙂
Hope to see people consider blogging as a fruitful career in the near future. I personally know some bloggers who comes up with mediocre content and do event blogging earning thousands of dollars per month. At the same time I saw professional bloggers who concentrated more on adding value to the readers ended up with zero earnings. I really appreciate your concern about newbies. Thanks for sharing this informative article.
Suresh, I am agree with your point.
I have seen some so called pro blogger who spam the BlogoSphere (or the whole internet) to earn some quick bucks. I can say with 100% conviction that those bloggers are not going to stay in this industry for the long time.
They might cheat Google with some wrong activities, but one day Google will become so strong that all those tactics will stop working.
Thanks for being here and appreciating the real blogging. 🙂
Well I think most of the bloggers choose blogging for sharing things and earning money from the same. Blogging is always an adventurous thing to learn lot of things from it.
ha ha.. I loved the word adventurous.
It’s not a game where you play and go… It’s a life long journey which is going to feed you for the whole life.
#2. If you are a good writer, you can earn well from blogging – I totally agree that not only will a good writing skill bring traffic to your blog since you need to do content marketing, social media optimization, search engine optimization, pay per click, etc. to generate traffic to your blog.
Blogging needs creativity, passion, editing skills, seo skills etc. You need to have an product or service to make money. You need to read a lot, to respond on emails, comments and share posts on social media platforms to help your website traffic going.
Well, blogging might be kind difficult at first but you’ll get used to it and soon it will be easy-peasy.
Thanks for sharing this 5 myths. Informative!
Kulwant, how are you doing today…? I hope you are doing well and enjoy your work.
First, I admit that I’ve got the same story when I started blogging. A lot of friends and families complain me a lot about wasting my time with online business and blogging.
You know..? I heard some of my friends talking bad about my business. They said that I was a crazy who waste my time with internet job. There is are no many people in my country (Cambodia) give value online business unless the work with it.
Honestly, I don’t care with what other people said about my me but I strive my best to make the dream come to true. I told me self that blogging is the ways to build realistic dream for my life. And I will never allow other people to hire to build it for them.
I continue my blog without any direction and it’s really hard working, especially I’m a none native and poor English writer.
I improved my writing by the way I go with blogging. You know..? my successful make a big noisy sound, I made money from blogging, and I’m able for follow my dream…
I became a jobless, blogger, and freelancer. I could build full time income stream for my life. I have no boss, and I no need to work for other but myself.
Thanks for sharing your story
Thanks for allowing me to write for your awesome blog Erik.
Without you I could not express these feeling in front of your awesome readers.
I am from a very backward ares where people still don’t understand what I do for living. It’s not about telling everyone what you do, it’s about feeling good about your profession… And we know very well what we are doing. 🙂
ha ha.. Biggest irony of society.
Hi Kulwant,
Let me thanks you for sharing information with US 🙂
From my point of view, anybody can blog & earn money…
Every person is special in at-least one thing in his life…. Finding the passionate side of ours is so important.
Once you find your passion research about it online…. see how influencer in your doing .. and go according..
Keep patience, Hard work really pays off 🙂
Thanks once again
Hi Kulwart/Erik,
There are many myths covering blogging. We get to know that the reality of blogging covers hard work, time investment, planning and consistent delivery of value.
Blogging is real and the 5 myths shared here should be discarded by those getting started with it.
If you don’t invest blogging you are sure never going to make the most of it!
This comment was left in kingged.com as well
I think blogging if taken serious can really transform ones life. Common mistake most of us make is thinking the money will start flowing in in just a few weeks or months when it may actually take longer than that. Patience and consistence is key. I take inspiration from Pat Flyn and John Chow.
One of the biggest myths, of course, is thinking that it is “dead” or that you are too late to join the game. People seem to have a very black and white mentality when it comes to success. Blogging worked in 2005? Well, now everybody’s blogging — so it means it doesn’t work anymore.
They couldn’t be more wrong.
Is it much tougher than it was 10 years ago? It depends on how you look at it.
If you depend primarily on SEO and keyword stuffing, then yes, absolutely. But if you learn to adapt and evolve, then blogging is actually easier now than ever to tap into. Why? Because thankfully we still have many lazy bloggers who are putting in less than the bare minimum into it.
In other words, many have not yet evolved, thus making blogging somewhat easier for those of us that recognize the need to grow.
Anyway, thanks Kulwant and Erik.
Even more frustrating is the friends and family members that keep telling you to “get a real job.”
I usually shut their mouth swiftly every Christmas during gift exchanges :p
Great post and you are obviously right about each of the myths about blogging. Well is like an amazon river we get to know several things as we go deeper.
Well said Vicky.
It’s all about picking the right stones to convert them into diamonds. 🙂
according to me blogging is the best way to make your profession more better. Sometime we notice that people ins’t able to get success in blogging. but still i have to say it’s a great post
Thanks a lot James.
I agreed with you Kulwant. Ofcourse, blogging is not for those who just want to become rich in a night. It needs dedication and hard work to fulfill our dream. Also, we all have to face such silly comments by our relatives and neighbours that “What is blogging ? It can’t be a profession.” I think they should read articles like this.
By the way thanks for such nice information Kulwant.
Yeah Nitin, it’s a long term process.
I don’t know why people expect so quick results in blogging when they know very well that everything in life takes time.
I hope this article will help them to make their mindset and have a long term vision to reap real fruits.
Hi Kulwant and Erik,
I am very glad to know you publish this article Erik. And I am glad you have written this article, Kulwant. I really appreciate it. 🙂
When I read the introduction of this article, for some reason, I feel that you similar to me. I also encountered the same problem with you when I decided to get serious blogging. I do not get support from anyone, except very few. I even learned all alone about blogging.
Well, I also wrote an article about my blogging journey and aggregating them in a round-up post on my blog. I hope you can provide a little bit of time to read it. 🙂
Indeed, blogging requires hard work, consistency and commitment. It is not a get rich quick scheme or anything like that. Blogging is a business, then you have to treat it like a business.
My goal is to get the knowledge about blogging and I will share it with the people in my country in a seminar or workshop. There are many people who do not believe it though. 😆
Of course, I also wish to earn money from a blog. It is proof that I can be trusted to convey something. 🙂
I agree that quality is everything. If you do not have anything to say, it’s better you do not update your blog with a low-quality articles. One time, your blog traffic will decrease because of it.
Thanks for sharing this with us. It’s really a good read one!
I will share it right now then. Have a nice weekend for both of you, Kulwant and Erik!
Hi Kulwant and Erik,
I seen this post shared on Google+ and it captured my attention. Those myths sure sound familiar to me. When I first started blogging, I was confused about so many things. I didn’t know anything about how to market properly nor did I know my specific niche.
I learned as I went on. Now I use my blog to give others information in a specific niche, but also use it as part of my marketing strategy. I could write a post about something with some information, but have a product to sell for more on that topic.
When I’m marketing my products/services, I find that people always come to my blog to see who I am and what I do. They are impressed by the wonderful comments people leave on each post. And they are pretty interested in my content. So it’s a win win.
A blog is necessary for any person that wants to make money online.
Thanks for these myths, it took me back to my old days in blogging.
Thank God for aha-now i wouldn’t have gotten informed like your post have done for me. Please i need help on my blog. I love writing on life tips and relationship which i am doing but since a year i have started i don’t have up to 200 views per day. Please i need help seriously and will be glad if i can be helped by anyone.
Yes u are absolutely right sometimes we work more & more on any event & results come very lass as compared to our expectations sometimes very high.
So main funda is to keep the regular work as overall average that i have calculated come very high,.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the post. Actually I have started a blog recently like 4 months back. Can you please let me know when can I start payed from Google. I’m newbie to Blogging, so please clear my doubt.