Some people write wonderful texts in an inspired moment. Are you one of them? So you act like artists do. They lock themselves in their own world for some time, work very intensively without much thinking or planning and they create outstanding works. Such moments happen to every writer, but … rather occasionally.
So what to do if you are run out of inspiration?
In that case you have to act like a craftsman. Instead of INSPIRATION you should use a WRITING TECHNIQUE. A set of useful methods guarantee that you will be successful in completing the writing task.
Table of Contents
Choose a Topic and Collect a Background Material
Before starting, you should be absolutely sure what exactly you are going to write about. That seems to be obvious, but finding an interesting topic for the post or article is not easy. If you have a problem like that, search for posts which give you some smart tips how to find ideas for new content.
Whatever you decide to write about, it would be helpful to collect information and data concerning the topic. See what has been told about it up to now. You might discover some unusual facts that make your content fascinating and valuable. It is also recommended to have a look for charts, graphics and photos, which will supplement your text.
Find The Proposition Of Title
Don’t try to think up the perfect title before you are finish your post or article. The text should match perfectly the content you are going to produce – and the content does not exist yet! So it’s more reasonable to come up with a title later, when the whole text is ready.
However you should give to your “project” a provisional title. It will be helpful, because you won’t stray away from the chosen subject.
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Plan and Organize
First of all, answer the question: Which ideas do you want to include? Prepare key words or headings concerning each point you want to write about. Than you can decide how many paragraphs you need.
The next step is to plan in what order the paragraphs will follow. They should be organized in logical order. Prepare a detailed draft of your text.
Fill Each Paragraph With Text
The opening paragraph is the most crucial to the whole post or article. The beginning should catch yours readers’ attention. Lively, appealing tone is the best to achieve this goal.
Than go to the next paragraphs according to your plan. Try to deliver good content including a range of vocabulary and structures for interest and variety. To connect the ideas use linking words and phrases. If you are not sure about some details, leave them out. You can fill the gaps later, when you come to the end.
As a reader I prefer moderately long paragraphs. If they contain too much text I become a little discouraged from reading. It can cause eyestrain!
Read Your Text and Make Improvements
When the text is complete, read it. Imagine you are one of your reader and you see the text for the first time! Imagine you have to find weak points of the content – as many as possible. Make a list of them.
The next step is to eliminate the weaknesses from your text according to the list.
Take a Break
At this stage of your work you can feel exhausted and your efficiency is low. The brain needs to have a break. Leave your article and do something else. It depends on you how many time it takes. I suggest coming back to the article not later than on the next day. So much time is long enough to gain fresh mind.
Decide What The Title Will Be
Let’s discuss again the title issue. Now, when you have got the whole text, it is the right time to think of that. The title should grab reader’s attention and give them a clue what they can expect. A good, catchy title for your text is half the battle.
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Correct Errors
There is no doubt. It is necessary to read over the text before you publish it. Some of mistakes like spelling and grammar errors or missing words can be easily avoided if you have a look at what you have written.
And what are your tips?
Hi Monica
Some good points in your post.
I think we all have different methods in how to create a post. Even some posts for ourselves can take on various ways from start to finish.
For me, sometimes I come with a title first and then sit on it for days. Other times I chart out in my mind what I want to write about for days, then sit down and type it out in one afternoon. Very little editing needs to be done. Then there are others times I have typed out an outline and let it sit for weeks. Sometimes just thinking about what is happening in my life and how to incorporate it into a post is enough to produce something worth reading.
There is no correct or wrong way to create. Just do it and for those who think they can’t you have provided some great ideas to start with.
Good points, as Mary Said. I have to agree with Mary about the title– that is usually my first thing that I write, as it guides the entire post.
Searching for background material often gives me an idea for how I want the post to flow, and what I want to say– so just doing that can often give you the inspiration needed to get started. From there, it is just a matter of —Tell, tell, tell– as my middle school English teacher Miss Hamilton drilled into my head….Intro–Tell them what you are going to tell them, Body–Tell them the information, and Conclusion–Tell them what you told them.
I think most of us suffer from over thinking things many times– I know I definitely do, when getting something down on paper, or in the computer really helps with the momentum.
Hi Monica,
For most bloggers, writing doesn’t actually come as smoothly as others, possibly because they don’t know how to conceptualize or have not read as much pocket books when they were younger. There are many reasons why others can write so interestingly without much sense in the topic at all. The sad thing is, these are also the people who encounter what’s called the writer’s block. This is sometimes an advantage for others because they can write on topics based on research.
Having no inspiration most likely is a result of not having much in common with the subject they blog about. But by all means reading is a form learning which can be incorporated into your writing, thus if we never did it then we become stuck.
Really Nice Post..I have seen this phase where i found my self that my moral is getting down towards writing… Thanks to you that you have shared this great post… One more thing i will like to ask you that is it okey to write a post with using infographic?
Thanks for sharing your views about writing a good text in an uninspired moment.All your pinpointed ways are the most appropriate one in order to write a good text in an uninspired moment.By following all the above ideas step by step will obviously help us to write a better text.
Actually writing daily different content with full of inspiration is not a cup of team for every blogger. I have faced this phase when I was busy with my text book… Actually I found so many inspiring things from your blog post… One more thing i will like to recommend is that when you think you are unable to write a inspiring content better go for the Infographic post because there you share something interesting and as we know something is better than nothing.
There are many ways to make content impressive, but inspiration brings with the consistency. The idea behind the post is great infect you described basic points at all. Thanks for the share.
Hi Monica,
So here is another great article from you….. (Chris….Monica is a better writer than you 😛 )
I like the idea of ‘provisional Title’ because i myself feel that some time we don’t start writing an article because we didn’t find the suitable Title but the concept of ‘Provisional Title’ is good as it help us to make progress on our article.
Great Job Monica…
Hi Monica,
I liked your blog post, great insight. I think another way to get inspired is to find a solution to a problem for the blog reader, helpful tips that can improve their life or business. It makes it easier to write something effective because you know your subscribers or new website visitor will benefit from your information and research and they will be glad to share your tips with others. Keep up the good work.
I’d like to add that one way you can combat the “no inspiration” malaise is to pretend you are being interviewed by someone. All you have to do is just answer the questions in as much details as possible. You can smooth things out while editing.
Hi Monica,
Thanks for the great post. As bloggers, we have frequent demands to generate content and these demands have no respect for our moods. Whether we are in the mood or not, we have to write.
I have used a similar approach to write when I have just no idea. I go out to my favourite blogs, narrow down on some of their successful posts and write my take on that. I usually look for points I agree or disagree with.
That way I have come up with compelling content that impressed even me. Imagine that!
This is a great post Monica, I usually listen to music or check out similar titles on other blogs in order to get some more inspiration.
But when the inspiration is really low, then I just collect the information all around the web before I’m ready to post anything.
your tips are really useful, thanks for sharing 🙂
Awesome post!I came to know a lot from this post.Thanks for the guidelines you have provided.Definitely,they will be help full to me.
Thanks for the tips.Tips you have provided will be help full for me in writing articles.Keep posting!
Must say The content is great, include all points to make article amazing.
Thank You
Shorya Bist
Hi Monica,
Great post ,all the points you mentioned if done can make a great post.I follow all these points and it make my final article fabulous.Not only this helps in making a great article for our viewers but also give self satisfaction when final output comes good.
I work on my article till then i am not satisfied and i publish it when i feel that the post is worth to publish.
Thank You
Shorya Bist
From Youthofest
Hi Monica,
Being a blog writer when we have to post article everyday in our blog and sometimes we really get messed up what to write today. Even our mind doesn’t suggest any good thing to us.
You have written a great post i ll try it next time if i do not have any idea blog post idea.
Great Tips, I like Plan and Organize issues more, because is make sense when you want to write something you don’t know what is right. Is great tips thanks.
Wish you good health
Abdulrahman Hawari
This was one of the most inspiring post..
The most important part of great content is the ” Attractive and optimized ” title. Its the first thing any visitor or googlers will see. Then the second part is the description ( snippet ).
Copyblogger have lots of article on how to write magnetic headlines. And lastly creativity is one which can make any boring niche into most entertaining and converting place for discussion and conversion.
Have a nice day ahead..
Correcting errors is truly essential to the survival of any post.
A website filled with a lot of errors certainly losses its readership.
Thanks for your tip.
Great insights, now I know what to do when i am stuck on what to write or how to write.
First of all it very important to make a attractive and meaningful title for the article.
it will attract the audience and it will force them to read it.
Thanks for post.
I have found that technology can actually get in the way sometimes, so I walk away from my computer and experience the “real world” every once in a while, just to break things up a bit. You can also use tools like Twitter search to find additional inspiration. Have a great day!
Hi Monica,
I often come across this stage when I have no title ideas for writing content. After reading your post It seems that making the outline first will make the task much more easier than before.
Absolutely! Getting unstuck is often the hardest part. Once you’ve got some strategies in your toolkit