I love the message of this blog site: “No Passive Income!”
Because, it’s true—there is really no such thing as passive income. The whole premise or implication of that phrase is misleading. Or, rather, it’s a temptation to think lazily. Either way, “passive income” should never be what you focus on.
Instead, you should be focused on massive income.
That’s the key word, here: MASSIVE.
In fact, that’s the word behind this whole blog post that you’re reading right now.
Table of Contents
Taking Massive Action
The recipe for successfully taking massive action is somewhat obscure. In fact, it’s almost a secret, because it’s so little-known.
It’s just like putting up a building; you start with a solid foundation, and then take massive, determined action to get it up!
Visualizing Your Goal
It Has Nothing to do with “The Secret” !
The first thing you need to do is get in the habit of visualizing your goal as vividly as possible. Now, I don’t mean just mentally; I mean physically, too.
Specifically, you need to get your entire physiology involved with experiencing your goal, as if you had already achieved it.
You may think this is impossible, or that I’m leading you down the forest path toward some kind of mystical mumbo-jumbo, but I’m not.
All I’m doing is pointing out some abilities that you already have–you just may not have realized it!
You Can Actually Experience Any Emotion You Want
Whenever You Want and Wherever You Want !
It’s true!
Have you ever had a flashback to some past experience, and relived it in your mind? Remember the first time you rode on a roller coaster? Do you remember the emotions you experienced then?
You already know that certain emotions can alter your facial expressions, but did you know that it works both ways?
Try it! Right now, make a face as if you are suddenly happy and excited! Maybe add one or two short breaths.
Can you feel your emotions changing?
(Okay, go back to normal now.)
You just altered your whole physiology.
It’s best to watch Tony Robbins fully explain this in detail, because it’s something that really requires a video.
The bottom line is, it’s all about getting your physiology into its peak state—the place where it can achieve its full potential.
But, this is only half of the pie.
Once you’ve reached your peak state, you can start taking action.
Acting Massively
In the context of Internet marketing, it depends on what your approach is going to be: free marketing or paid marketing.
But, in either case, the most powerful thing you can do is tell your story.
Whatever it is that you’ve struggled through in your past, you need to become really good at telling that story over and over—integrating it artfully into many different forms of content.
Basically, you’ll be saying, “This is where I’ve come from, but here is where I’m going—all because of what I’m doing now. Are you with me?”
With free marketing, incorporate your story as much as possible into all your content; whether it’s blogging, or making videos, or recording audios, or photos—or a mixture of all of those things—just do it.
Don’t depend entirely on SEO, though. Taking massive action means stepping ALL THE WAY outside your comfort zone.
There’s no need to spam or chase people around, either; find places where like-minded people are hanging out, and start building relationships with them; commiserate with them. Talk about what you’re doing to turn things around in your life.
With paid marketing, use your story in your advertising: be it solo ads, PPC, magazine ads, voice broadcasting, or any other form of advertising.
Even though it’s going to leave you vulnerable to haters who will come along and mock you, do it anyway. Because, people who can relate to what you’ve gone through will want to join you even more!
Making Massive Income
This is going to be the shortest part of this blog post, because it’s so simple (in terms of network marketing).
Remember how, earlier on, I said to focus on massive income rather than passive income?
Here’s the key to generating massive income:
Focus on getting two new sales a day.
That’s it!
Now, I DON’T mean focusing on 14 sales a week, or 60 sales a month. That would really take superhuman power.
It’s easiest—and most achievable—to focus on sponsoring two new customers into your business every day.
It is literally impossible to fail to make a massive income for yourself if you do this consistently.
True, you will get more and more “residual,” passive income flowing into your account, and it’s OK to be grateful for that—just as long as you don’t focus on it.
Just focus on two a day for passive massive income…
…and take massive action to produce that massive income.
Image courtesy of jscreationzs at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Great blog post! I completely agree that Massive Action is the solution to creating massive income. So many people want to dip their toes in the water instead of just jumping all-in. Thanks for taking the time to offer some great perspective on this!
Absolutely right, Chris! Thanks for commenting.
HI Josh – very interesting post and equally interesting bio…..?
However, I do disagree with your opening paragraph. I have been making passive income through an MLM program for some time now. Although its not a huge income its still passive, I set it up once and now it just runs and runs.
However – this is not my main focus as I know this will not last forever. My long term strategy is set out with the points you make. You give some sound advice.
That’s right, John; it’s all about focus. Glad to hear you’re having success! Thanks for reading, commenting, and have a great Christmas, and a happy new year!
Hi Josh,
Very good article. I really enjoyed it.
I think that the key is to build massive income with a potential of it being a passive or residual income. I believe that a thought as to what we want our final destination to be has to be given. For example, if one spends a lot of time promoting one-day wonders, that is what one will get one day wonder income. It will last just for a short time.
If, on the other hand either we develop our own or promote other people’s products that are evergreen our initial “massive” actions will stick for a long time.
Thanks again,
Thanks for reading, and taking the time to comment, Dita!
You’re right on target: always know exactly WHY you’re doing what you’re doing, and always give value–over-delivering, whenever possible.
I like your use of the word “evergreen;” it paints a vivid and accurate picture of what we should be delivering to customers.
I’ll be checking out your blog, Dita, and I’d encourage all of Erik’s readers to do the same!
Hi Josh,
Thank you very much for your kind words.
All the best