Being creative is difficult, especially being creative on a daily basis is very difficult.
As bloggers, we need to be creative; we can’t afford to write the same thing every time, we had to come up with unique creative ideas.
Creativity is a god gifted talent, and not everyone has it. However, you still can find the way to be creative in your writing.
According to Wikipedia:
“creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is created such as ideas, jokes, literary work, a solution, an invention etc.”
As the definition says, creativity is the process of an invention.
In writing, we bloggers can proudly say – we invent Ideas, Words and Sentences.
So, how to be creative at writing?
Table of Contents
Brainstorm Ideas before you start writing
You can’t just sit in front of your computer and think what to write next, just trying to type something on your computer won’t work and your writing will definitely lack creativeness.
This is why you need to brainstorm ideas before you start writing.
Brainstorming creative ideas isn’t that easy, you need to find the creative juice.
How to find it?
Do creative tasks like reading interesting books, solving puzzles, tweeting (tweeting helps you to play with words), etc.
Initially, find a topic which you want to write, and then brainstorm the ideas.
Once you find the title, brainstorm the certain combination of subheadings that can match your title.
Then list out those points in your notepad or something – having a notebook or notepad is essential thing for writers, you must learn to take notes while brainstorming ideas.
In case you can’t find new ideas, there are some online ideas generating tools such as
Use these tools to brainstorm new ideas.
Personalize your writing
When you write blogs, give some personal touch to it because when you try to make it look too professional, it’ll definitely lack some creative spark.
So when you’re writing a copy, add your personality or perspective to it.
And you’ll be surprised to see how your copy will be different from others.
Another way to write creatively is by telling stories; write your own story, your thoughts, your experience, it’ll definitely look unique and creative because it is exclusive.
Stories draw your audience into their own imagination and make them feel like they are in your character; same thing happens while we watch movies, we unconsciously feel like we are the heroes.
Story telling also helps you to build a good relationship with your audience. Audience will start trusting you.
See how Pat Flynn used his story to build a successful brand like SmartPassiveIncome.
Story telling also helps you to build a personal brand.
Tips for personalizing your writing
- Write what you know
- Don’t feel shy to express
- Don’t bother about what will others think
- Always be real
Have the right mindset
Before you start writing, make sure you are distraction free.
If you’re tired or not active while writing, then forget about creativity. Your writing always reflects your mood.
So you have to be enthusiastic, for that you need to have a healthy mindset while writing.
Nowadays, everyone is busy with their exhaustive lives, but as a writer you can’t be like that; you had to find a peace of mind before you start writing.
Major things to do. . .
- Learn to Relax before you write
- Eliminate distractions
- Select a silent place to write
- Don’t bother about the outcome of your copy while drafting
- Just go through flow and don’t stop
- Don’t work overtime, you’ll get burned out
If you get angry and frustrated a lot, then it’ll be very difficult to be creative at writing.
Try to build passion for writing and enjoy; then you’ll get a lot of creative ideas flowing.
Draft it, add, and proofread
First draft of your post will never be perfect.
So, draft it and take a little break. Once you take a break and comeback later to edit, you’ll find a lot of errors and mistakes.
You’ll also realize how terrible your first draft was. Don’t delete it, just tweak, it’ll look good.
After that you can add as much as content you want.
And finally, proofread it.
No matter how good writer you are, you can’t skip this proofreading process.
Ask every top blogger/writer, they’ll all agree that proofreading is the important and Must do task.
So, proofread it for minimum 2-3 times before publishing.
Since blogosphere is getting highly competitive, having a creative style of writing will definitely help you to stand out from the crowd.
You can adopt Creativity in your writing by following the above points.
It is not necessary that you should follow the same steps to be creative; creativity is something that YOU invent.
So, you can be creative if you just write what you know.
Hey Adithya,
Thanks for sharing this. I think the biggest and most important part is not to be afraid to be bold. At times, these could easily boost your traffic without you know.
Great write and have a great Monday mate~
Hi Reginald,
Agree, we should never afraid to be bold, sometimes it feels weird, but that kind of articles get more attention these days!
thanks for reading! 🙂
Hey Adithya, and welcome to Erik’s blog – It surely is nice to see you here. 🙂
You have shared a very lovely post bro, and I so resonate with it.
Being creative is the principal thing we all need to know about as a blogger, even as human. And I have since learned that being creative is not at all hard…. reason being there are various things your can draw inspiration from which thereby amounts to creativity.
You’ve mentioned good stuffs but here’s my take though: Meditate! Meditate! and Take Action by the outcome of your meditation.
Sounds like what you said, right?
Thanks for sharing though.
Hi Sam,
yes, being creative is not at all hard. . . in my opinion, we can be creative by sharing our perspective . . .
Agree! meditation helps. . .
thanks for reading! 🙂
Hey pal,
This is an awesome post. I often use the same method here while writing articles for my blog or doing guest posts.
I must say that this is the ultimate guide for writing great blog posts.
Thanks for sharing your points with the blogosphere. Keep up the good work.
Hi Kharim,
Glad you liked it!
thanks for reading! 🙂
Every man differs from other in this world and so adding a personal touch to the posts will definitely make them unique.
What happens most of the time is that when we try to think of great ideas, we don’t get them but when we don’t think of anything, all of a sudden we start getting ideas. So, I always maintain an online notepad to write down all the ideas which strike my mind from time to time. And when I need to write any post, I just go through these notes till I come up with great ideas.
Well thanks for sharing your perspective!
Hi Vinay,
Giving personal
touch to posts will definitely
make them unique. . .
it’s good to keep a notepad everytime!
thanks for reading! 🙂
Hello Adithya,
I’m really glad to see you here at this blog. You’ve shared absolute tips for creative writing and I think it’s really important to improve writing skills so that we can achieve our outcome from blogging.
Hi Vicky,
Yes basic writing skills are necessary to be a blogger! however anyone can improve it on a daily basis!
thanks for reading! 🙂
Wonderful tips Adithya,
I’d always brainstorm the ideas and note it down in a piece of paper and finally when it’s ready I will proceed to write it on a computer. The tips in the mentioned posts are really helpful.
Hi Ashish,
It’s good to brainstorm and note
down ideas every time!
thanks for reading!
Hi Ashish,
It’s good to brainstorm and note down ideas every time!
thanks for reading! 🙂
I tried to write in my own style but it ended up with nobody wanna read my post. I think I should add more creativity in my post. You know, something like more images and others
Hi Misz,
It’s good to try writing in your own style. . .
images are also important to attract people to read!
thanks for reading!
nice work Adithya Shetty. these tips will really help the writers to move on and how to make the most of their creative writing skills.
Hi Essay,
Glad you liked it!
thanks for reading! 🙂
Very nice article.
At the first time of blogging, i had the same situation when i couldn’t have any idea for my posts. Then i realized my problems was i am influenced a lot by famous bloggers so that i couldn’t find my own style. Luckily, some of my friends gave me some tips and now i can write easier, if you feel tired of writing, just take some rest for a while, free your mind and you can do it more effective.
Thanks for your sharing.
Hi Stephan,
Exactly, we don’t need follow famous blogger’s writing style, we can create our own style!
thanks for reading! 🙂
Hi Adithya Shetty , I really love this post. Love the way you write your posts. The information in this article is really unique and useful for me. After reading this article, I think I have some ideas for myself. I do follow your articles recently. Thanks for sharing this post. Hope to read more interesting information from you. Have a nice day.
Hi hoanganh,
thanks for sweet words, glad you liked it!
thanks for reading!
I’ve been writing many articles since the last two years and I admit, creativity is something that isn’t the first thing you will learn when writing. I learned it by appreciating everything and giving life even to the boring topics. Thanks for the information though, it is really helpful.
Hi Mariane,
Creativity is the essential quality to have for writers! it’s necessary to give creative touch for boring topics!
thanks for reading!
Well I must say your tips are really wonderful and informative. I was reading more and more posts on how to improve writing skills or creative writing.
Thanks for sharing
Hi Samir,
I’m glad you liked it . .
thanks for reading!