It’s been nearly 30 years since PowerPoint made its humble debut as an application for Mac computers. With a stroke of luck PowerPoint was picked by Microsoft and became a part of the Microsoft Office suite. With an estimated 1 billion installations worldwide, PowerPoint is now doubt the leading presentation software with a range of default templates ready for use for the … [Read more...]
GoogleMapsWidget: Create a Map for Your WordPress Site in One Minute
If you have a small business, chances are that you need to add a map in your website, to make easier for your customers to locate you. In this post, I'm going to introduce you an easy solution: GoogleMapsWidget. It's what you need to build the perfect map with a thumbnail and lightbox in minutes! No nonsense. Just install it and get it done. How Google Maps … [Read more...]
Using SlideModel to Launch and Run Your Business
In today’s competitive business landscape, you must give yourself all the tools necessary to meet your customer’s needs as well as your financial goals. This means having a clear picture of your business model, revenue streams, projections, and a hundred other data points. Planning and data presentation tools like SlideModel can help you to not only plan your business, but … [Read more...]
How to Calculate Your Profit Margin
Simply put, profit is the amount of money you make on a sale after you subtract the cost of acquiring or producing the product. For example, let’s say you sell an item for $200 and it cost you $180 to get it. Your profit is $20. In this case, you’ll have a 10 percent margin on that sale. You sold it for $200, you made $20; 10 percent of 200 is 20. However, this figure … [Read more...]
How to Build Your Coming Soon Page with Under Construction Plugin
Do you need an Under Construction Page or a Coming Soon Page or a Maintenance Mode Page while you're working on your site? Then you landed the right place. In this post, I'm going to introduce you Under Construction, a free Wordpress plugin that helps you exactly with that. How it Works If you are serious about blogging or building an online business, … [Read more...]