A popular blog is definitely a good source of income if properly monetized. But it's becoming tough to own a blog that's read by thousands. It's super simple these days to create a blog. All you need is a few dollars in your wallet and you are done with buying a domain name, hosting and a couple of plugins and themes. Everyone can do this in a matter of minutes. However, … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2020
SEO for Startups: A Smart Guide for Entrepreneurs
To startups and small businesses, SEO might seem daunting. Why so? They lack the requisite budget and technical skills. Owing to these constraints, SEO is often an afterthought for startups. They are often so involved in coping with competition and establishing their brands that they forget to reap SEO benefits. Topping the SERPs (search engine results pages) is … [Read more...]
Do I Need a Website to Make Money Online?
The short answer to this is no - you do not need a website to make money online. However, the reality is a lot more complicated than that. It would be more accurate to say that having a website can greatly increase your money making potential online. Most of the reasoning behind this is simply control. By having your own website, you can control all aspects of it. That level … [Read more...]
How Salaries Have Grown In IT Companies Over The Past 10 Years
Industry Growth Over a Decade In an industry as expansive and ingrained as the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry, it can be a challenge to see how it has grown and evolved over the years. Or how specialized and specific jobs like Ruby on Rails (RoR) developers and Ruby developer factor in the industry. Market Size The ICT market is among … [Read more...]