The ideal situation is having a three to six-month emergency fund, something that could cover all of your essential bills if it took you up to half a year to find a new job after being laid off. The size of this emergency fund is thus a personal decision, taking into account the size of your mortgage/rent, grocery bills, utility bills and bills you won’t cut if you lost … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2020
Are You Ready to Invest? Let’s Find Out
Whether you are investing in futures, stocks or options, online trading can be an excellent way to grow your money. However, you shouldn’t be doing it if it means that you’re risking the clothes on your back or the roof over your family’s head. Remember, your money used for investing needs to come out of a separate pot – one that isn’t linked to the money you use to pay your … [Read more...]
4 Tips to Stay on Top of Cash Flow in Your Business
As a business owner, you aim to make profits by improving the sales of products and services. You also want to cut on your debts and ensure that expenses are paid on time. Well, that can only be possible if you can stay on top of your cash flow. This is essentially the net amount of cash and cash-equivalents circulating in your business at a given period. You want … [Read more...]
4 Financing Hacks That Can Be Used At The Time Of Emergency
Most of us have had some financial emergency in our lives. That could be related to health, education, or even mortgage. We needed some money urgently to pay off our dues, but at the last moment, that cash was hard to come by. Had we made some planned investments, we wouldn’t have gotten into that crisis at all. In this article, we look at some financing hacks that can … [Read more...]
How To Increase Twitter Likes For Your Business Profile
Having more likes on your business profile and pages can have many benefits for your business. If you are a business owner looking at growing your number of clients it’s best to know which ways are the best to help grow your business, traffic, and sales. An increase in the number or a higher follower not only brings a huge difference in your business and sales but also … [Read more...]
How Important is Your Online Image as a Business Owner?
As a business owner, there are many things you need to think about for your online image. Customer satisfaction is indeed one of the most important factors to consider! Like it or not, what people say about your company online matters. It may influence future relationships and business deals, not to mention your brand. Here are a few factors you need to keep in mind when … [Read more...]
Exploring The Many Ways Of Successful Investments For Any Youngster
Currently, investing is mostly associated with bonds and shares. Most people still think that investing is a risky activity and is suited to only those who are wealthy. However, investing is not just an effortless activity; it can also be done by people having limited funds. Young people can consider investing as an enjoyable activity. There are several ways to invest, … [Read more...]