Perhaps you are investing a lot of time doing internet marketing, but you know that there are other strategies to double the visits to your site? Do not get me wrong, you will not have to stop what you are already doing to promote your site. In this post I'm going to present clear alternatives to online marketing techniques that you can effectively use to complement your … [Read more...]
On-Page SEO: What You Need to Know to Optimize Your Web Pages
On-page SEO should be mastered by every blogger. Have you ever wondered what it takes to fully optimize a web page for search engines? From an SEO standpoint, there are two primary sectors you have to consider: on-page optimization and off-page optimization. Basically, there are things you can do on your site to help your rankings, and things you can do off of your … [Read more...]
How to Build Links for Niche Sites
Building niche sites that make money in autopilot has been always one of my plans. Since beginning of this year, I learned to use LongTailPRO (read my 3300 words guide here) and I created a niche site, monetized with Amazon affiliate program and Adsense. It ranked within the top 10 in search results for its keyword, generating a decent traffic and revenue, since then. In … [Read more...]
10 Link Building Tactics to Generate Free Traffic from Google
According to a research by Outbrain, search engines do convey 300% of traffic more than social media to content sites. So how can you let Google know that your website exists? The most common tactic is to focus your attention on the quality of your writing. But the content itself is not able to make you climb the "top 10" of the search results. You should seriously … [Read more...]
10 Blog Habits to Help You Being Penalized by Google
Have you ever experienced a Google penalization on one of your websites? Well, I hope you don't. Because recovery can be quite hard, most of all after Panda and Penguin. Following the official content guidelines will "theoretically" ensure you to avoid any penalties, but you know (most of all if you are blogging since some years) that respecting all the rules is not that … [Read more...]