Building a good reputation online is not an easy task: it requires constant work since every aspect, even the smallest, can have an enormous influence. For example, the biography of your Twitter profile: an abstract of only 140 characters, essential to get an idea of the user on the first shot. Whether you are a novice or a professional on social media, these are some … [Read more...]
Do you lack Creativity in your writing? Here’s what to do
Being creative is difficult, especially being creative on a daily basis is very difficult. As bloggers, we need to be creative; we can’t afford to write the same thing every time, we had to come up with unique creative ideas. Creativity is a god gifted talent, and not everyone has it. However, you still can find the way to be creative in your writing. According to … [Read more...]
How to Write an Article – Writing Tips from a Professional Writer
If you went to school and received at least some basic kind of education, you will know how to write. But it is not that type of writing that I am discussing about in this post. Writing can be of various types, but when you intend to do it professionally you need to take care of certain facts and play by the rules of the game. A professional writer is QUITE different than … [Read more...]
I’ll Never Read Your Posts Again, You Know Why?
Erik offered a post in his blog and I truly appreciate this opportunity. As I was planning for this post, I shared the title in Facebook to asked my friend's views in it. Nishant said, "It little looks arrogant. Some people will reply who cares :P ". Yes, not only the title but the post itself is little arrogant, but my intention is fair and hope you'll enjoy it. The … [Read more...]
How To Write a Great Text When You Have No Inspiration
Some people write wonderful texts in an inspired moment. Are you one of them? So you act like artists do. They lock themselves in their own world for some time, work very intensively without much thinking or planning and they create outstanding works. Such moments happen to every writer, but ... rather occasionally. So what to do if you are run out of inspiration? In that … [Read more...]