Perhaps you are investing a lot of time doing internet marketing, but you know that there are other strategies to double the visits to your site? Do not get me wrong, you will not have to stop what you are already doing to promote your site. In this post I'm going to present clear alternatives to online marketing techniques that you can effectively use to complement your … [Read more...]
How to Secure Your WordPress Site Using “Wordfence Security” Plugin (Free)
How long ago have you realized your WordPress site? When was the last time you monitored its level of security? Your answer may be "a long time ago", or even "never"... Although few people do it regularly, making your site secure is extremely important. WordPress is, in fact, an open-source platform (that is, the codes are publicly consulted by everyone, including … [Read more...]
What Is a Gravatar and Why You Should Use It (Plus “Add New Default Avatar” Plugin)
If you are into blogging since some time already, then I'm sure you already learned how to set up your gravatar. But there are always new users who still need to set up their own; hence, leaving comments without any image to identify their identity. In this article I'll explain what is a gravatar and how you can get your own. Plus, I'll give an advice on how to … [Read more...]
5 Content Marketing Trends That Should Not Be Ignored
Recent statistics show that as much as 93 percent of B2B companies use content marketing to establish their brand and create demand. In actuality, B2B marketers that blog generate 67 percent more leads than marketers that don’t. At the same time, content marketing is expected to be the most commercially important digital marketing trend, according to Smart Insights. If … [Read more...]
10 WordPress Tricks That You Probably Do Not Know
Are you sure to know all the tips and tricks about Wordpress? This CMS has so many features; surely you know how to create posts, pages, and upload media content. But there are a few less commonly used features that can really help you streamline your work. Let's get started! Here are 10 Wordpress tricks you probably do not know. 1. Quick Draft If you … [Read more...]
How to Build Links for Niche Sites
Building niche sites that make money in autopilot has been always one of my plans. Since beginning of this year, I learned to use LongTailPRO (read my 3300 words guide here) and I created a niche site, monetized with Amazon affiliate program and Adsense. It ranked within the top 10 in search results for its keyword, generating a decent traffic and revenue, since then. In … [Read more...]
21 Simple Tricks to Write Content That Magnetizes Visitors
“The power of pen” – someone had rightly said! Only in the world of digitalization, it can be redacted to the power of keys. The gift of writing in a few of us is offsetting to the demand-supply situation on the Internet. But writing to sell is a whole different thing. There’s only one thing on which you can pin your hope of readers hovering over your website, and that is … [Read more...]
Super List of Tools for Bloggers – More Than 70 Resources
Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint, and over the time, can be really hard to continue doing an awesome job. Having the right tools will definitely make the difference. The list I've written is divided into categories, and the resources mentioned can help you boost productivity, manage your time, increase your audience, make more money with your site or improve your … [Read more...]
5 Myths Uncovered About Blogging
A few years back, my friends and family members looked at me with cold and mysterious eyes when I told them that I do blog, and I would like to take up blogging as my profession. I never got support from anybody. Even some people, whom I knew, believed that blogging is an illegal profession, as they did not know what exactly it is. In fact, they never tried to know also, … [Read more...]
10 Link Building Tactics to Generate Free Traffic from Google
According to a research by Outbrain, search engines do convey 300% of traffic more than social media to content sites. So how can you let Google know that your website exists? The most common tactic is to focus your attention on the quality of your writing. But the content itself is not able to make you climb the "top 10" of the search results. You should seriously … [Read more...]