The goal of every investment is to make money. Otherwise, it is a waste of money that you could have put to better use. The problem is that it is always hard to find the perfect investment. Investments are volatile, and they change like the weather. One year a certain asset could be lucrative, and the next it could be worth nothing. The best thing to do is to take … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2015
Earn A Passive Income By Trading: Choosing Your Trading Instrument
Anyone can become a trader, but not everyone can become a successful one. If you invest in a particular market, your investment can give you a huge return all while you sit at home and watch the money roll in. Of course, it takes skill and practice to get this good, but it is possible. And it all begins with choosing a trading instrument. Your trading instrument … [Read more...]
4 Tools to Quickly Increase Your Mailing List
Have you ever wondered how many active readers you have on your blog? Do your visitors just open and close your website without letting you know if they will return? If your stats show that you attract more new visitors rather than entice old ones to return, then you must recognize that you need to focus on working harder on your audience, instead of thinking about just … [Read more...]
Secure Your Website and Hard Work Online with Defencely
The security of your website should be among your first priorities. You don't want to waste all the hard work you put into your online business and have it hacked, for example. This is even more a necessity if your income comes from working online. There are a few steps you can take to secure your Wordpress blog. I can suggest some important tips: - use a ultra-safe … [Read more...]
Don’t Miss These 20 Sites to Get Free Images For Your Content
Finding the right media (while complying with the legal rules) is one of the most difficult parts of the creation of an article. You have to choose the right subject, identify a picture free of copyrights (otherwise citing the source or the author), verify that the image has sufficient pixels size (I go for 600 px within my blog posts, and a little more for the featured one) … [Read more...]