Unlike newspapers, which are traditionally mainly used to inform and entertain, landing / squeeze pages are intended to elicit action from users; they are meant to convert and do so aggressively. Though the aggression should not be directed to overwhelming the consumer but poured into being relevant and providing value. The reason landing pages are so popular is due … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2014
How to Write an Effective Twitter Bio : 7 Essential Ingredients to Use
Building a good reputation online is not an easy task: it requires constant work since every aspect, even the smallest, can have an enormous influence. For example, the biography of your Twitter profile: an abstract of only 140 characters, essential to get an idea of the user on the first shot. Whether you are a novice or a professional on social media, these are some … [Read more...]
MakeWebVideo : Online Video Maker – Marketing Video Production
If you have at least some experience in internet marketing, then you surely know that a catchy media is worth more than a thousand words. While images can attract your audience attention, a video may be able to convert much more. Just think for example at YouTube, it's the second largest search engine of the internet! So it's clear that marketing a product or service … [Read more...]