The dream of every blogger is to become successful : building a great community with many comments and visits, receiving compliments for your interesting content and being recognized as an authoritative blogger.
In this post you are going to read some tips which are going to help you to achieve this success.
So what are the best strategies to improve your blog?
Table of Contents
Expand Your Audience
Becoming a successful blogger also depends on the daily amount of visitors your blog receives.
These users are usually divided into two species :
– new visitors : they come to your blog through social media, search engines or other sources, and represent the core of your blog. In fact, retaining new visitors means to increase your audience;
– returning visitors : they represent the evidence of the quality of your work. If visitors return means they have been impressed from your blog.
In order to increase your readers, it is necessary you respect some important points.
1. Be visible in the search engines
Never heard of SEO? Organic traffic is a piece of pie you really not want to miss.
2. Harness the virality of social media
You can use popular networks to share your content, engage and attract new visitors to your blog.
3. Benefit from the audience of other blogs
Take into consideration the idea of writing a contribution on the blog of someone who has more visibility and influence than you.
4. Invest in advertising
If you have money to invest, you can get traffic in a short time – consider Google Adwords or Facebook, which is much cheaper.
5. Encourage word of mouth
Do not be afraid to ask your visitors to spread your content, whether it’s worth it they will do it for sure.
Read :
Unleash the Power of Social Media Marketing – Pure Gold and Useful Resources Mentioned Here
6. Leave comments on other blogs
This is a popular practice to be noticed by the owner of the site and from other people who join the discussion.
Convert New Visitors into Returning Visitors
If you really want to build a popular site, you have to print in your mind one thing:
there is no successful blog without a good number of loyal readers.
Converting new visitors into returning visitors means that users which arrive on your blog for the first time, they find it enough useful to have a real interest in wanting to come back at a later time.
In addition, there are several tools to ensure that you build a strict and loyal relationship with your readers : blog newsletter, social media, RSS feeds, etc.
Here are some rules that you must not forget.
7. Use images and attractive graphics in your content
A great picture is worth a thousand words, so be sure to add appealing images.
8. Plan your blog in a smart way
The blog filled with more advertisements than content are not tempting anyone. Blogs must have interesting articles to read without the difficulties of usability.
9. Unique design
The design of your blog should be unique. You should consider using premium themes.
10. Create catchy titles for your posts
Always remember that writing is the powerful tool for anyone who has a blog. You should definitely improve your influence on your visitors with copywriting.
11. Make your blog a brand
Always remember that using your logo on all sites or social media helps to strengthen your identity among your audience.
Increase Time Spent on Your Blog by Your Visitors
It is true that having many daily visitors is really great, but always remember that usually at least 35% of visitors comes to your blog and then leave after about 10 seconds.
To become a successful blogger, you need to understand how important it is to keep the attention of the visitors on your blog.
In order to do this, there are several strategies.
12. The content is the king
Always remember to have a blog full of interesting content with quality articles and be sure to understand what your visitors want to read.
13. Write in a proper language
Remember that you cannot present yourself as an expert in the field if you are making grammar and spelling mistakes in your content.
14. Make your posts longer
Writing short and inconsistent posts is a symbol of non-professionalism. If you know the topic, you should explain the subject into details.
15. Create a list of your most read posts
Be sure to create a list of the most popular articles on your blog. The widget in your sidebar is a great way to display them.
16. Encourage comments
Ask your visitors to share their views and opinions on the articles you write. Creating a confrontation within the comments is a way to build an engaging and vibrant community around your blog!
Create a Strategy to Encourage Users to Take Action
This means to induce the user to take a specific action you planned.
A fairly common example is to offer a free ebook to your readers in exchange for subscribing to your newsletter.
In this way, the user receives something and you get new subscribers instead.
These strategies are defined as call to action.
17. Create an opt-in for your mailing list
There are some great tools like Aweber that offer several designs you can use to build the perfect opt-in for your blog.
18. Ask for social signals
You should always have social buttons available in order to invite your readers to share your content.
Becoming a successful blogger is not just a dream, if you are able to be consistent with passion and hard work.
I hope the above explained tips are going to help you someway to achieve your success.
What is your blogging experience?
Is there something you should add?
Please leave your comments and let me know your opinion, thanks!
And Happy Blogging! 🙂
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Hey Erik,
I think you are right to have put the SEO point #1. That’s my opinion though 😉 If search engines drive most of your traffic, then becoming successful is just a matter of being consistent.
I do agree of course with the other 17 points, especially commenting on other blogs, creating a list and growing your social media reach.
Talking about advertising, I think that’s the best way to start a new blog and make it quite popular soon. I have seen this happen with some few blogs. This may need real money but definitely worth it
Thanks for a beautiful meaty content this Monday morning Erik. Hope to be here again soon
Hi Erik,
Wonderful post indeed, and you did put up all the essentials to become a successful blogger in this one 🙂
I think I loved the point about writing long…what a relief!! No, jokes apart, Google loves post lengths that are 2000+ or more, so yes, that along with a little bit of SEO would work. More so, nothing can be matched to writing useful posts that your readers will love.
Having your own unique voice would make you stand apart from the rest. The more you leverage the social media and manage your time well enough smartly, the better for you and your new connections you make
Blog comments work like magic I would say, whether they are on your own blog, which you should take time to reply, or your visit to other blogs and commenting there. That’s just how I’ve built all my relationships 🙂
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
The process is lengthy and demands time and effort. But at the end of the day, the fruits of the efforts are sweet! 🙂
In this article, I can see some fundamentals, some basic steps, which are required to scale up the ladders of growth and success.
It is not just about getting visitors day in and day out. For me, success depends a lot on how well the visitors are treated. Do they come back for more, increasing your loyal reader base and repeating visitor base? That’s a good point being mentioned in the article.
A unique design, to an extent, will also come handy, if you ask me. The blogosphere is so full of similar looking and similar content containing blogs that the whole saga becomes a tad too repetitive.
So, standing out from the crowd, showing some authority and smartness also matters!
Good list! I found the link to this article on Kingged.
In general, need to setup achievable goals and to have well documented strategy, plus list of milestones.
Yes, you must have different source of traffic, i personally build niche websites and i know for sure that organic traffic converts more. But I also get traffic from pinterest, facebook etc and they do well also.
I like this article …. Its amazing steps for blogger ….. Thanks sharing this information
Hi Erik,
It is an another wonderful post by you.No doubt everyone who starts a blog wish to be a sucessful blogger.You have carefully listed out all points.I always love commenting on other blogs to connect with other bloggers and to widen up my readership.These tips are great and worth trying
I have already read various articles that discussed how an individual can be successful in his blogging career, and this one would be an add-on. 🙂
To become successful is a long run, but in this article, you just need to step up in less than 20 steps of a ladder to climb up high to the top.
These tips shared above are all proven effective and wise. I hope newbies will not just only read this content, but also do the suggestions with hard work and passion.
You have just shared some valuable ideas, big help indeed.
Thanks for the post! 🙂
By the way, I found this post shared on
If you want to be a blogger, that is successful, you gottah follow and keep practicing the tips and tricks shared above. It’s a combination of talent, knowledge and enthusiasm to be successful.
Get a blog, learn SEO, know about the nuts and bolts, the keywords, do what you can, to get relevant links that point to your homepage and your individual posts, be consistent, be unique and stay on topic.
After that, you need to grow your audience, go social, and engage with your readers and commentator. Let’s just say make a good relationship with them.
I found this post shared on, the Internet marketing social bookmarking and networking site, and I “kingged” it and left this comment.
Well seems like you’ve already listed top and important for becoming a successful blogger. It will indeed take time to be on top place. And according to me successful bloggers are nothing but a honest person who helps every single person on his blog. Like “Harsh Agarwal” from “shoutmeloud” andI really liked his stuff on his blog.
Have a great day!
Hi Enstine!!!
WOW !!! What a Great post 🙂
Its Really very helpful and useful post for blogger.
This is a nice stuff and i am also try this all 18 steps because these all are amazing.
Thanks for sharing
Keep it up
This post will help one not only become a successful blogger but also make him/her a consistent blogger. Well, all of them cannot be applied simultaneously but yes step by step will reciprocate great results for a blog.
Thanks a ton.
Creative strategies is a part of successful bloggers and I think those bloggers with creative ideas will surely get his/her goal achieved.
Fantastic post. With hard work and consistency as well as a good plan and strategy there is no reason why someone could not become successful at it. Enjoyed reading this 🙂
Hi Erik,
Who doesn’t want to be a successful blogger? And obviously the whole class will be mute.
I carefully read the post and obviously kept asking myself what haven’t I being doing right as a blogger?
And obviously per those 18 interesting points elaborated, it appears Emmanuel with his Kabenlah are on the right track.
Hello Eric,
Thank you for this wonderful post, well I have been having problems with some of the tips you mentioned like Retaining visitors but I will try out your ideas.
I have checked out the complete list. The strategies you have mentioned above are really effective in order to become a successful blogger.
Hi Erik,
I’ve never had much luck with Google Adwords, but I wanted to say that Stumbleupon is also a good paid advertising source. You don’t really have to invest much to test it out, and it works quite well I’ve found.
Hey Erik, I also suggest that if you have a good following at facebook, you should add facebook comments on your blog. I also see the latest G+ comments that serves the same purpose and posts your blog at G+
Guest blogging is a nice way to expand your reach and also suggest reader competitions to boost likes/comments/shares etc.
Commenting on other blogs is also definitely a great way to reach new readers and form new relationships with other bloggers.
Facebook comments really worked well for my older blogs (the niches that I had) now I am seeing G+ comments on many sites, like yours.
I checked out Klinkk, looks good -will sign up and give it a try.
Hi Erik,
Very essential tips to follow in order to become successful blogger. The process is not easy as everyone wants to reach the top and successful. We need to follow the above mentioned tips on a consistent basis.
Thanks for sharing this amazing list! 🙂
hi @Erik
you have done really good job in this post. it really informative and i also agree your this point “The content is the king” 😀 🙂
Hi bro,
Really enjoyed your article. It has me excited about learning new ways to increase my audience! Thanks for the much needed boost! 🙂
very good article,all steps are must to follow.
thank you for sharing.