Have you ever wondered how many active readers you have on your blog? Do your visitors just open and close your website without letting you know if they will return? If your stats show that you attract more new visitors rather than entice old ones to return, then you must recognize that you need to focus on working harder on your audience, instead of thinking about just … [Read more...]
15 Solid Tips About Creating Great Content for Your Blog
Have you ever wondered how to create great content for your blog? This is a 2000 words guide with 15 steps to help you writing articles with real added value for your readers. 1. Plan What You Want to Achieve with an Article This point is essential. Planning is very important not only in your daily or business life. Before you start writing you have to know … [Read more...]
6 Basic Rules of a Good Blogger – Are You Following Them?
Professional bloggers know that to bring traffic to their site, they need to do more than just creating some blog posts. A successful blogger must write content that strikes a chord with people and gets them to react. Your website can be a source of great income, but you need to do more than simply create a large amounts of articles. You must write content that … [Read more...]
20 Important Things To Do After Installing WordPress
The installation of WordPress is very simple and within minutes you can get a blog up and running. Once you have finished installing WordPress there are a number of measures that must be taken if you want to get the most from your website. Use the following list as points to follow for future installations or just to double check if there is something that you have not … [Read more...]
What You Need to Make Your Blog Mobile-Friendly
We live in an era where smart phones and tablets are an integral part of our lives. Now there are more people browsing the internet on mobile to those using a desktop computer. There will be 2 billion of smart phone users by 2015, according to this study by eMarketer. And more than 80% of internet users will be from mobile. If you haven't done it yet, then you need to … [Read more...]
13 Common WordPress Mistakes to Avoid
You may be eager to launch your new blog as soon as possible using WordPress. Before you hit “Enter” for the final time, double-check every step you have taken up to this point. Neglecting a few seemingly unimportant items can make the difference between a successful blog or one that no one visits. Web marketing is all making it easy for readers and customers to find … [Read more...]
3 Fantastic Tools for Bloggers and Internet Marketers
Working online is just awesome. You meet a lot of people and you never stop learning from them. Also, the more time passes, the more you realize that you need to keep studying, reading and searching for new resources to use in your online journey. In this post I present you three tools you should take a look as a blogger or internet marketer : Oktopost, TrenDemon and … [Read more...]
Does Your Website Design Suck? 5 Reasons to Change It!
If the design of your website or your blog is not good enough, it is very likely that you are going to face one of the following two situations. First, if you are a brand or an SME, you are losing opportunities to do business. This is translated into potential customers running away from your site, because it does not give sufficient guarantees about your … [Read more...]
Eight Methods for getting the Most out of Google Search
Google’s search engine is a flexible and highly customizable tool. And yet I’m still amazed to find digital marketing professionals who are just unaware of some of the most powerful and essential search techniques. Being able to use just a handful of Google’s most common search operators can open up a whole new dimension in search specificity, allowing you to hone in your … [Read more...]
The Key Elements for Ensuring Optimum Conversion for Your Landing Pages
Unlike newspapers, which are traditionally mainly used to inform and entertain, landing / squeeze pages are intended to elicit action from users; they are meant to convert and do so aggressively. Though the aggression should not be directed to overwhelming the consumer but poured into being relevant and providing value. The reason landing pages are so popular is due … [Read more...]