One of the great things about living in the 21st century is the growth of technology and all the benefits that come with it. If you’re a business looking to improve your organization in the modern day, then there are hundreds of ways you can do that. We are going to take a look at some the ways you can use technology as a company, with an emphasis on application based … [Read more...]
How to Get More Leads and Convert Them into Sales With SharpSpring Free CRM
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of SharpSpring CRM for IZEA Worldwide. All opinions are 100% mine. SharpSpring was launched back in 2014 as a full suite marketing tool to help businesses boost their marketing automation. Since then, the company has built a customer base of 1500 digital marketing agencies worldwide and more than 7,000 businesses. Today, … [Read more...]
3 Ways To Improve Your Small Business’ Image
If you have a business that’s struggling with its image, whether it’s due to some bad press in recent times or simply because you’re a young organization still trying to round out your branding, there’s a multitude of things you can do that can help build your brand image and turn your business into just what you’ve imagined it being. And while these things will take some … [Read more...]
5 Tips to Help You Boost Engagement on Social Media
There are around 2.62 billion social media account registered today, which makes for a very wide and all-encompassing promotional network. The fact that you, as a business or entrepreneuring individual, need to be present on social is age old news today. However, merely creating a profile and not using it to spread the word is not enough. Not nearly enough in fact. An … [Read more...]
You’re Probably Overlooking These 5 Business-Friendly Social Media and Directory Sites
You’re “on LinkedIn,” as they say. You’ve got a Facebook company page up and rocking. Your corporate Twitter is firing on all cylinders, hashtagging up a storm (on brand, always). What are you missing? Among other things, these five business-friendly social media and web directory sites whose audiences — captive or otherwise — don’t entirely overlap with the “Big Three” … [Read more...]
10 Amazon Marketing Hacks To Sell More Products
1. Optimise Everything – And Make Sure Your Title Is King If you want your product to sell as well as it can on Amazon then every step of creating your listing needs to be the best that it can be. It’s no surprise that the title is paramount in this because it’s not only what your shoppers will read but also be implicit in keyword use to be found in as many searches as … [Read more...]
3 Ways that Integrated Marketing Can Change Your Business
Leading companies have experienced the improvement of their brands and earned more revenue through the effective implementation of integrated marketing strategies. By taking advantage of direct mail, email, web, print, mobile, and other communication methods, you gain maximum impact on targeted audiences. : Using a professional full service marketing agency can help you do all … [Read more...]
5 Twitter Tips and Tricks for Growing Your Followers
Twitter is undergoing renovation in a good way recently. To combat the proliferation of fake accounts, Twitter has been deleting millions of unscrupulous accounts. As a result, you need to implement the latest Twitter tips and tricks to help grow your following. For the longest time, the social media platform is filled with bots that merely retweeted messages, followed … [Read more...]
How To Make A Profit With An Effective Banner Placement Strategy
If you want to bud momentum and make this one a successful year for your business, consider fresh marketing tactics. Print banners are an effective way to promote a brand, but not if you don’t place them in the right location. After some help on banner placement and which location might be best for you? Read this guide for advice on maximising your marketing ROI with banner … [Read more...]
Top Lead Generation Tips Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know
Marketing is a complicated game that's constantly changing and developing. To help your brand stay on top and to keep your site high in Google, you need to be constantly aware of the newest strategies and as fully informed as you possibly can be at all times. You should be constantly reading, constantly learning, and absorbing any information you can find - because every new … [Read more...]