Financial independence is a function of your last payday. That last check opens a future defined by your life thus far. It can mean a comfortable life in retirement or the need to work for supplemental income. A strategy for achieving financial independence will reduce your stress. As David Ning wrote in U.S. News Money, {You will be much less stressed out. It's no secret … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2019
Digital Marketing Trends 2019
Do you remember Lewis Carroll story about Alice in Wonderland? Such a little girl was extremely prominent in her idea of running as fast as you can just to stay at the place where you are, and you need to run ten times faster to go ahead. All this is true for nowadays digital marketing: application of old traditions is a good idea, but new ones are so different and so far … [Read more...]
Tips for Starting a Liquidation Business
America has long been known as the land of opportunity, but you are not alone if you feel as if there are fewer ways for enterprising and creative people to get by these days. With massive companies like Amazon offering prices on retail goods that small mom-and-pop stores simply can’t compete with, American entrepreneurs have to be more clever than ever to make their mark. … [Read more...]
Make Some Extra Cash: Become A Rare Football Programme Collector
Are you seeking new ideas to help earn some extra cash on the side? Being a passionate football supporter is not essential, but it will help if you want to adopt collecting rare football programmes as your new money-making project. Collecting football programmes can be likened to sourcing and gathering antiques – you will learn as you go along. As a starting point, UK based … [Read more...]
5 Business Tips That Will Be Helpful
Prudent entrepreneurs find a way to follow good business tax practices. It ensures that their businesses remain well positioned to meet tax obligations. Remember, tax penalties are punitive and could cost your business a lot of money. It means that you need to organize yourself to meet tax deadlines on time to avoid penalties. Here are basic tips from Sandhurst Consultancy … [Read more...]