If you have at least some experience in internet marketing, then you surely know that a catchy media is worth more than a thousand words. While images can attract your audience attention, a video may be able to convert much more. Just think for example at YouTube, it's the second largest search engine of the internet! So it's clear that marketing a product or service … [Read more...]
11 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Pinterest
Pinterest is among the most popular social networks used today for sharing photos and videos. Thanks to the "images pinning" action, it has become an interesting tool for brands of different sectors : from tourism to fashion, but also food. Pinterest has achieved early success thanks to its ease of use for expert users, but also for inexperienced members. However, it … [Read more...]
Using Effective Online Marketing Strategies to Boost Website Rankings
Nowadays, it is almost automatic to equate huge traffic to the effectiveness of your online marketing strategies. Simply put; the more traffic you have, the more effective your marketing strategies are. This belief is packed with plenty of truths. This is the main reason that most Internet marketing strategists are aiming to improve their traffic as the main goal of … [Read more...]
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website : 11 New and Old Effective Tips
I have always loved browsing and reading articles about how to increase traffic to my websites. I think it's the kind of content that is evergreen and it is worth to be read, in any case. Because you never know if you can find some real, new methods or resources to receive fresh new traffic to your blog. I made a summary, below, of 11 new and old effective tips to get … [Read more...]