The ideal situation is having a three to six-month emergency fund, something that could cover all of your essential bills if it took you up to half a year to find a new job after being laid off. The size of this emergency fund is thus a personal decision, taking into account the size of your mortgage/rent, grocery bills, utility bills and bills you won’t cut if you lost … [Read more...]
4 Financing Hacks That Can Be Used At The Time Of Emergency
Most of us have had some financial emergency in our lives. That could be related to health, education, or even mortgage. We needed some money urgently to pay off our dues, but at the last moment, that cash was hard to come by. Had we made some planned investments, we wouldn’t have gotten into that crisis at all. In this article, we look at some financing hacks that can … [Read more...]
How To Use A Trading Chatroom As Investors
Foreign exchange is the largest decentralized financial market in the world as no one man can claim to know all in this market. Though dynamic, the technicalities of the market can be learned. There are different tools and technical resources that can be used to trade successfully in the market. Since there is not much fun trading alone without brainstorming with others, … [Read more...]
How to Successfully Borrow from Family and Friends to Buy a House (Including the Dos and Don’ts)
A house is a great investment whichever way you look at it. Owning a house means you don't have to pay rent anymore. Similarly, when you are done paying the mortgage, the house becomes your property, and you can do whatever you want with it. The only hindrance to becoming a house owner is getting the money for a down payment, the associated expenses, as well as the monthly … [Read more...]
Buy-to-Let vs ISA
With so many different options nowadays in the land of investment, it can be confusing to know where to put your money in order to get the best returns at the lowest risk. Two of these options that we will be comparing are buy-to-let property investments and the bank option of the simple ISA. Buy-to let Investments There are many benefits to buy-to-let … [Read more...]