You can improve your finances massively by handling and organising them in a better way. It allows you to stay in control and avoid any nasty surprises that can strike when you don’t handle the finances in the right way. To learn about some simple improvements that might help you, keep reading. Store Accounts in the Cloud photo link If you store your … [Read more...]
eAngel: Useful Business Tool for Proofreading Your Emails
How many emails do you send per day? Are your recipients from all over the world? Even if you are very precise and careful while writing, chances are that you make some spelling or grammatical errors. Those mistakes could decrease your reputation or jeopardize any chance of doing business. In this post, I'm going to introduce you eAngel, a 24/7 service to easily … [Read more...]
The Massive Benefits Of Being Self Employed
Lately, there has been a huge increase in the number of people who are self-employed. These are either freelancers or people who own and run their own business. Part of the reason for this is perhaps how easy it is for someone to set up their own business. Or, set themselves up as a freelancer. Spend a couple hours online and in no time at all you could have your own … [Read more...]
Want to Hack Serious Business Growth? Do a Lean Start Up!
To many entrepreneurs and businesses, 'growth hacking' may be a mystery wrapped in an enigma. And even more of them may be hearing the term 'lean startup' for the first time. If that's you, read on, because these are game changing concepts that are leading businesses to incredible growth by changing everything about startups and product development. In this post, we'll … [Read more...]
How to Boost Your Business and Productivity Using Gmail With Hiver
Are you using Gmail for managing your business contacts and connections? Do you need an app to supercharge your Gmail? In this post I'm going to talk about, an application that offers everything you need to boost productivity and improve your business with Gmail. How Hiver Works Hiver (previously known as GrexIt) is a simple but powerful tool … [Read more...]