Running a business can be a legal minefield. Companies of all sizes can find themselves dealing with lawsuits if they’re not careful. In fact, small businesses are most at risk, as sometimes lack of experience can lead to breaking laws they weren’t aware of. It’s important to keep educated about any legal issues that may affect your business. The first step to legally … [Read more...]
How to Succeed with Google’s New Expanded Text Ads
The recent introduction of expanded text ads is one of the biggest changes to Adwords that Google has ever made and has sent agencies and clients scrambling to re-write their ads. The scale of change to Adwords would be like that of FIFA deciding to abolish the off-side rule in Football and simply advising clubs to experiment with the new format! That’s not to say ‘Expanded … [Read more...]
The Importance of Having a Positive Relationship With Money
In today’s society, there are only a few topics which have become complete taboo for people to talk about. Some of these topics we talk about on Social Media, but just don’t bring them up with our friends because they are hot button topics (i.e. Religion, Politics, etc.). Other topics are completely personal; ones which make us feel ashamed or simply overwhelmed. Very rarely … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why Your Cautious Nature Is Destroying Your Business
Cautiousness is a trait that can come in handy in many different areas of our lives. The same goes for the business world, where a cautious decision can prevent a potential disaster. However, more often than not, an overly cautious business owner won’t achieve the success they desire. Over-thinking decisions and failing to take risks leads to a failure to achieve your … [Read more...]
Growing a Successful Marketing Business: How to Get Started
Some of today's most successful companies are marketing firms. Many are digital marketing firms in particular. You can find many stories of professionals who have built their businesses from nothing. Some marketing companies can even be set up as the perfect business to run remotely. Once you have people to handle your accounts, they could need little direction from … [Read more...]