Who wouldn’t like to have some extra cash lying around? You could use it to pay off some bills, buy yourself something nice, or even take a well-earned vacation. But how to go about getting that extra cash? It isn’t going to just appear in your bank account unfortunately, so you’re going to have to work for it. Luckily, these days there are plenty of opportunities to bring … [Read more...]
Ways To Monetize Your Blog ~ Which Of These Is Most Profitable For You?
People blog for different reasons. But what I have found common is the fact that many of us are trying one or more website monetizing strategies. Let's examine some of these widely used money making methods and see which of these is the best fit for your blog. From one niche to the other, things are different and we must understand it. People in different industries and … [Read more...]
Putting Your Money To Work In 2018
Inflation is a bugger. It costs substantially more money to live now than it did 30 years ago. And it will cost substantially more to live 30 years from now. So if you’ve got a bunch of money sitting in a savings account that’s earning you nothing, you’re digging yourself a huge hole! Saving money just isn’t enough anymore. In fact, it never really has been enough. But, as … [Read more...]
The Biggest Benefits of CFD Trading
Trading currencies, commodities, and even stock indices via CFD trading are extremely popular because of all the benefits it gives. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already gone through some materials on trading. You’ve also probably read a thing or two about CFD trading explained by expert traders. If you have the basic idea about CFD trading but are still a little … [Read more...]
5 Ways To Create Passive Income with a Blog
Who doesn’t want to make money while they sleep? Creating a passive income via blogging isn’t easy. But it’s doable, especially if you find an in- demand niche. Most people believe that blogs are just online diaries. However, nothing can be further from the truth. Many people use blogs as sources of information on various topics, from beauty and fitness to financial … [Read more...]
Ways to Make Money with WordPress
So you’ve been using WordPress as a platform for quite some time and you might be thinking to yourself, “are there ways for me to make money with WordPress?” Short answer: Absolutely. There are a ton of ways that you can do to make a living online using WordPress beyond creating a food blog or starting a travel blog. Just to be clear, these are not get-rich-quick … [Read more...]
Ways to Save Money on Car Expenses
Car ownership will probably continue to be one of the largest expenditures in your budget, but there are ways you can save a good chunk of money on car-related expenses. One quick way to reduce costs is by using a car insurance comparison website that can help you find the best rates for your zip code. It’s smart to work to adopt cost-saving tactics into your life so you … [Read more...]
Accidental Entrepreneurs- My Inspirations
As it is my ambition to build a portfolio of passive income, I’m always looking for the next piece of inspiration to click and hopefully be the start of a fruitful venture. As well as just getting out there and trying to learn as much as possible, I also read and look up people who have had an initial eureka moment and taken the idea on from strength to strength. Many of my … [Read more...]
How to Make Money from Your Love of Cars
Here’s the thing about passive income, while it does take some groundwork to get it set up if the income stream is tied to something you love, then you won’t even notice it. This goes for anything from a love of gardening to a passion for cars. While this article will focus on how gearheads can turn their hobby into an income stream – keep in mind that you can do this with … [Read more...]
Forex Risk. How to Calculate Your Returns
The forex market, as profitable as it has been for a number of intelligent businessmen, is quite a risky endeavor. In some cases, one small mathematical error can turn your plans and investments upside down. Traders must be constantly aware of the market changes, political climate and economical landscape of the eight big players in the forex market. Therefore, a clear … [Read more...]