Some people are unaware of how to correctly sign off an email (especially for business), and if you think it matters not, be prepared for a change of perception, as according to the experts, email signatures say an awful lot about a person. Using the same salutation over and over is repetitive and not suitable for many professional situations, and if you would like some … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2017
How to Find Inspiration as a Blogger
Being a blogger can be extremely satisfying. After all, when it goes right you are writing about topics that you love. This leads creating content that you, and your readers, love. However, there is a downside to being a blogger – especially when the well begins to run dry. What is it, you ask? Inspiration. The first thing to know about hitting a slump as a blogger is … [Read more...]
5 Steps to Create and Sell an Online Course
If you are a digital nomad (or aspire to become one), you will surely have looked at all the possibilities the web offers to work independently, wherever you are. Blogging, affiliate marketing, freelance services are all valid ways to generate revenue, based on your skills. But another interesting way to make money with the internet is creating and selling online … [Read more...]
Best 5 WordPress Theme Providers For Dedicated Bloggers
Do you know the importance of having the most excellent WordPress theme for your site? If you say “yes”, I would like to appreciate you with the grand applause! If you don’t have any idea about the vital role of the WordPress themes, then my guest post would help you understand the site design facts. Also, you will be recognizing the significance of buying the paid … [Read more...]
5 Key Points to Building a Profitable eCommerce Site
There's no reason why you couldn't make money in today's world. With the current economic landscape we have, and with the fact that we're right at the peak of the digital age, there are a lot of money-making opportunities that lurks behind the corner. As what they've said, today's money is found on the internet. So why not grab that opportunity? One of the best ways to doing … [Read more...]
5 Tips for a Successful Multilingual Website
You had an idea, worked hours and hours to create a great website and you are now ready to share it with the world. But what languages does your site speak? Whether you already have a consolidated customer base or you are starting a new business, the first step to reaching a global audience is the creation of a multilingual website that has the tremendous benefit of … [Read more...]
How Easy is it to Make Money from Real Estate Investing?
When it comes to generating passive income from investing, trends come and go – take what is going on with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies at the moment. However, there is one truism in that everyone needs a place to live. This opens the opportunity to make money from real estate investment. Especially as homeownership rates are at their lowest level in 50-years. For … [Read more...]