Simply put, profit is the amount of money you make on a sale after you subtract the cost of acquiring or producing the product. For example, let’s say you sell an item for $200 and it cost you $180 to get it. Your profit is $20. In this case, you’ll have a 10 percent margin on that sale. You sold it for $200, you made $20; 10 percent of 200 is 20. However, this figure … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2017
Retirement and Making Money After Work
I recently retired and was trying to find ways of keeping myself busy without annoying the wife! Usually I spend most of my day outside with the cars - I’ve always been a bit of an enthusiast; going to races and rallies and I have had my share of vintage motors. People always ask how and what I’ve done to when restoring my cars and I enjoy sharing the process! My son … [Read more...]
Does Video Actually Make a Difference?
You sit down to make a call to someone in another country – perhaps a member of a team in a different sales department in your company’s headquarters in another region – and you wonder whether you two really have to sacrifice bandwidth and connectivity for video. Why not just make a simple call, and communicate over high-definition audio without the use of imagery? It might … [Read more...]
Time Is Not to Be Wasted in Business
In the world of business there are few golden rules to adhere to: you must stay ahead of the market, the customer is always right and time cannot be wasted. The latter, as you've probably already guessed, is the topic up for discussion here — so let’s not waste any time and get straight into it! Image source Time really does equal money in business, so wasted time … [Read more...]
An Extra Income… What Are My Options?
We could always do with a little more money, couldn’t we? A constant flurry of rising costs means we are all tightening our purse strings that little bit more with every passing year, and with the tightening comes more worry. Ever since the crash in 2008, the impact has been seen around the western world, and some of us are still feeling those repercussions. People are … [Read more...]
How to Use Search Footprints To Supercharge Your Linking Campaign
The latest updates in the Google algorithm has meant that link building from high authority websites is now more important than ever. Gone are the days of automated link building and mass submissions to directories and article syndication websites. Google has upped the ante and I'm going to give you the tools to play high-stakes link building. Link building is quite often … [Read more...]